Gas row cost Gazprom $2 billion

26 Jan, 2009 17:08 / Updated 4 years ago

Gazprom, has lost over $2 billion of income due to Ukraine’s refusal to transfer Russian gas to Europe. The company's deputy chairman said Gazprom had every right to demand compensation for the loss.

“We have the right to demand full compensation from Ukraine, because we’ve lost over $US 2 billion in the first weeks of January”, Aleksandr Medvedev said.

Gazprom is now considering filing a lawsuit against Ukraine, he added.

Medvedev said that Bulgaria had demanded compensation from Gazprom because of gas cuts brought on by the price row between Moscow and Kiev.

He again said Ukraine was to blame for the halt in deliveries.

’Ukraine’s representative forced us to sign a contract with Gazprom’

Meanwhile, Ukraine claims that the head of Naftogaz, Oleg Dubina, was forced to sign the gas contract with Gazprom.

Bogdan Skolovsky, a representative of the Ukrainian President, said analysis of the texts showed that they contradict most of the previous arrangements and that they were prepared in a big hurry.

According to Sokolovsky, a Ukrainian patriot like Dubina couldn’t have signed such documents without having been put under great pressure.

Oleg Dubina experienced serious heart problems after his return from Moscow. The head of Naftogaz has undergone emergency heart surgery and was in intensive care on January 26.

Ukraine says the gas agreements with Russia will have no legal credibility if it’s proved Dubina was pressured into signing them.