Can’t resist drunken texts to your ex? Your phone can censor you!

21 Apr, 2011 10:45 / Updated 14 years ago
An iPhone application keeps a close watch on its owner should he or she want to send drunken messages

A woman from Florida has created an iPhone application that keeps a close watch on its owner should he or she want to send drunken messages that would be regretted later.

The application is called Textalyzer. According to the UPI news agency, the idea to make it crossed Samantha Deeter’s mind when after drinking a few cocktails she sent a few drunken text messages to her ex-boyfriend – a thing she regretted greatly the next morning. “I was briefly single and would run around from time to time bar hopping after work and would always tell people, ‘I wish there was a Breathalyzer for phones.’ That’s when I got the idea,” explained Samantha.The inventive woman contacted an app development company with her idea and a short while later the application was already available for all cocktail-lovers – and for just 99 cents in an  AppStore. Before heading for a night out, a user enters the name and the number of a person or several people he or she might text when drunk, but would not want to contact when sober. When the user wants to send a message to a persona non grata, the phone displays vigilance. It asks the user to play four simple games that check whether he or she is under the influence or not. If the test is passed, the user is granted access to the blacklist, but if tests were not passed, the message will be impossible to send. In 12 hours, however, the phone takes pity and asks the user once again whether he would like to send the message. The smart application also allows making a list of reasons why the user should on no account send texts. The most popular are “You are working together”, “you only like him after three martinis” and so on. "This is to prevent people from doing the ultimate no-no. So far, I haven’t gotten any negative feedback. People seem to like the app," Deeter said. She added that an Android version of the app is likely to be developed if the iPhone version, which was released on April 18, proves successful.