Police investigating Aleksandr Makarov's case, have found large sums of cash in the office of the former mayor of Siberian Tomsk. Makarov was detained last week on suspicion of abuse of office, bribe taking, and extortion.
More details have come in about the criminal case against the mayor of Tomsk, Aleksandr Makarov, who is charged with taking bribes and extortion. But prosecutors are still divided over the sums of money involved.The General Prosecutor's office says more than $US 1.5 MLN was discovered in flats belonging to Makarov's relatives. The regional office gives slightly different figures. “More than $ US 11,000 was taken from Makarov when he was detained. Nearly $US 40,000 was found in his office and safes and over $US 1 MLN discovered at other locations,” stated Andrey Gusev of regional prosecutor’s office.During the search of his office, the 60-year-old mayor suffered a heart attack and was taken to hospital. He stayed there for two days until court ruled he should be kept in custody. Now lawyers claim their defendant is being mistreated.Prosecutors say Makarov has been checked by qualified doctors and nothing is threatening the health of the now former mayor of Tomsk. On Monday, the court made the decision to remove Aleksandr Makarov from his post.