Kiev prepares ‘armed provocations’ to discredit pro-federation forces, Russia

The self-imposed govt in Kiev is preparing provocations in Eastern Ukraine on the border with Russia in order to discredit the popular uprising, former Ukrainian interior minister said. The information was also confirmed by other sources in the ministry.
“According to our information, in eastern regions of Ukraine provocations are being planned near the border in order to discredit the military personnel of the Russian Federation,” Vitaly Zakharchenko said in Rostov on Don during a press conference with ousted President Victor Yanukovich.
He called on the security forces in Ukraine not to obey orders from Kiev, reminding them that such actions would be illegal, and condemned Kiev's coup-imposed leadership for giving such orders.
“From the legal point of view illegal orders are given out the illegitimately appointed Turchinov, Avakov, Nalivaychenko, Makhnitsky,” Zakharchenko said.
The information of a planned staged attack and provocations by Kiev are also being confirmed by sources in the Ukrainian Interior Ministry on condition of anonymity.
“Kiev authorities are preparing a big provocation, with a purpose to discredit the people of Donetsk and Lugansk regions who are committed to holding a referendum and federalization of the country,” the source told Ria Novosti.
“An order arrived at the management of divisions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the armed forces of Ukraine deployed in Donetsk region, to use fighters from the Right Sector to simulate armed attacks on the these divisions,” source added.

Another ministry source told Itar-Tass that according to its information, after the completion of the attack, the special team is to collect the bullet casings from the scene and transfer them to Kiev, so that authorities there could use this fake evidence and blame the attack on the so-called provocateurs in the eastern region of the country.
Some commanders of the military units, fearing that weapons depots in the region could fall into the wrong hands, started to transfer them to heavier populated areas.
“According to information received, some [law enforcement] chiefs, being afraid that buildings storing ammunition could be captured, made the decision to transport it to larger human settlements,” the source said, providing no further details.
Earlier in the day, Kiev announced that it will launch “a large scale” operation, “with the involvement of the military,” Ukraine’s coup-imposed president, Aleksandr Turchinov, said in a televised address. He gave anti-Maidan activists a 9 am Monday morning deadline to lay down their arms and abandon the administrative offices they have occupied.
However, a special operation against protesters in Donetsk region may start as soon as tonight, acting head of the Security Service of Ukraine, Valentin Nalivaichenko has said on “1+1” local channel. The “full-scale operation” will involve “serious engagement of military forces, anti-terrorist forces and law enforcement of Ukraine.”
Ukrainian authorities have already tried to launch what they called an “anti-terrorist operation” in the eastern city of Slavyansk, Donetsk region. Gunfire broke out there on Sunday, after troops in black uniforms supported by armored vehicles and several helicopters approached the roadblock set up by the locals. There were rumors that among the troops besieging Slavyansk are members of the radical ultranationalist Right Sector movement, who were mobilized to take decisive steps to “defend Ukraine’s sovereignty.”