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4 Oct, 2007 15:48

Russia to pay Chechen women 200,000 euros compensation

The European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg has ruled that Russia must pay three Chechen women up to 200,000 euros in compensation. The women claimed their rights had been seriously violated back in the year 2000, during one of Russia's anti-terroris

The court concluded several provisions of the European Human Rights Convention were disregarded in the women's case.

“In these cases the Court held unanimously that there has been a violation of Article 2 of the European Convention on Human Rights – that is the right to life. Another violation of article 2 in so far all the three cases there had been a failure to conduct an effective investigation into the attacks or killings. And a further violation of Article 13 which affords the right to effective remedy. And this has been in all the three cases,” Roderick Liddell, Strasbourg Court Spokesperson, said.   

Head of the Russian Duma's Foreign Affairs Committee, Konstantin Kosachev, says Russia will act in favour of its citizens.

“If we apply to the statistics of the number of applications to the European Court per capita, Russia is rather low on that list: we are on the 18th place among 46 member-states of the Council of Europe. But in case violations of human rights do take place, including the situation in Chechnya, we have nothing to do but to obey the decisions of the Court and we have always done that before. As a politician, I keep trying to explain to my colleagues that even those decisions which are not in favour of the Russian state, are always in favour of the citizens of the Russian Federation. They are not anti-Russian. We should definitely support the activities of the European Court of Human Rights because they are in the interests of Russia. But on the other hand, unfortunately, in some cases the Court itself does not avoid taking politically motivated decisions”, Konstantin Kosachev commented to RT.
