Moscow civil servant fired for casting voodoo curse on her boss

A civil servant working in a district council in Moscow has lost her job for casting a voodoo curse on her boss, or more precisely, for doing it during her working hours.
The woman kept a photo of the council head in her desk and punched needles through the eyes on it. A short time later, she started to sew the photo with a black thread, other workers of the council were quoted as saying by Komsomolskaya Pravda daily.
When the colleagues asked the woman what she was doing she threatened to cast a curse on them, so they countered by calling in a psychiatrist. The specialist established that the woman was sane but believed in the voodoo cult.
The newspaper asked the head of the northern district of Moscow city for comments and the official said that the woman would be fired. “Religious beliefs are a personal choice, but one should not practice rituals during working hours,” the prefect said.
The newspaper also reported that the woman’s brother was brutally murdered a short time ago and suggested that this could have affected her psyche.