Writer to have book bound in own skin

A Russian writer claims that he intends to publish his future book in a single copy with a cover made out of his own skin. And he already had the title tattooed on his back.
The release of a Lovecraftian-looking tome Living Book by Maksim Aleshin is bound to cause a scandal, if it ever happens.The hopeful author from Nizhny Novgorod, central Russia, told Lifenews tabloid that he hopes to get at least a six-figure profit from the publication.The date for it has not been set however. Not only is the text for the book only half-complete. Maksim, 40, also has to die first, before his back and buttocks are skinned for the horrific cover material.The writer hopes for post mortem fame and a hefty money reward for his daughter, who is now seven.“It’s so prestigious, owning a book covered in human skin, especially if it’s the author’s skin!” he said.
The girl herself called the idea crazy, but Maksim hopes she will change her mind when the time comes.So far he has consulted a cosmetic surgeon and a tanner to select the skin patches and arrange their preservation and preparation for the publication.Covering books in human skin is an age-old technique, although it was never a widespread practice. Surviving examples include collections of drawings of human anatomy and judicial records bound in convicted criminals’ skin, among others.