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7 Sep, 2018 09:55

Serbian, Kosovo presidents won’t meet in Brussels – official

A top Serbian negotiator at European Union-brokered talks on normalizing relations with Kosovo said on Friday the two presidents won’t meet in Brussels as expected. Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic “will not talk today with the representatives of Pristina,” Belgrade’s government official Marko Djuric said in Brussels. Serbia has not recognized the independence of its province, which was declared in 2008. Djuric said that “there are not minimum conditions to talk to the representatives of Pristina today.” Djuric cited “all the threats and deceits” from Kosovo that he says have made the meeting impossible, AP reported. Vucic has met with the EU’s foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini, who is the mediator in the talks. Mogherini also met Kosovo President Hashim Thaci.