N. Korea wants to ‘contribute to security of Asia, globe’ – military

25 Oct, 2018 07:15 / Updated 6 years ago

A top North Korean general said Thursday that Pyongyang seeks a “stable peace.” Vice Minister of the People’s Armed Forces, Col. Gen. Kim Hyong Ryong, told a defense forum in Beijing that North Korea wanted to “contribute to the security of Asia and the globe,” AP reported. “It is our unwavering stand to lead the current state of tension… into stable peace and turn the Korean Peninsula, that was once the hottest spot in the globe, into the cradle of peace and prosperity,” Kim said at the opening session of the Xiangshan Forum hosted by China. Kim also said Pyongyang was following through on agreements reached with South Korea and the US, including the consensus reached with US President Donald Trump at a June summit in Singapore.