‘Yellow vest’ road block leads to driver’s death in southern France – officials

2 Dec, 2018 14:39

A motorist was killed overnight after colliding with traffic, which was caused by a Yellow Vest anti-government protest in the city of Arles in southern France, Tarascon prosecutor, Patrick Desjardins, said. “A van collided into a heavy truck at full force before being hit by another vehicle," Desjardins told AFP, adding that the accident was “directly related” to a roadblock by protesters that had caused a 10km-long traffic jam. A popular revolt over fuel tax hikes and high living costs erupted in France in mid-November, quickly spreading from Paris to other parts of the country via social media. On Saturday, 412 people in were arrested in the French capital amid the worst clashes in years that led to 133 people, including 23 police officers, being injured.