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21 Dec, 2018 12:40

ISIS attacks Kurdish-led forces’ positions in SE Syria – SDF

Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS) launched an attack on Friday on Syrian Democratic Forces’ positions in Hajin region in southeastern Syria, Mustafa Bali, the head of the SDF media office said. “ISIS is launching a huge attack, heavy clashes are taking place there,” he tweeted. “Only 35 percent from Hajin is liberated by our forces.” Top Syrian Kurdish official Ilham Ahmed said on Friday that Kurdish-led forces in northern Syria may not be able to continue to detain IS prisoners if the situation in the region gets out of control. Speaking alongside her at a Paris news conference, Riad Darar, co-chair of the Syrian Democratic Council, said they hoped France would play a more active role in Syria after US President Donald Trump decided to withdraw US forces, Reuters said.