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2 Apr, 2019 16:32

Yemen’s Houthis deny UN access to Hodeidah mills, hinder efforts to increase food aid – report

Houthi forces denied the United Nations access to a grain storage site in the Yemeni port of Hodeidah on Tuesday, Reuters reported, citing sources. The move is hindering efforts to increase food aid to millions facing severe hunger. Hodeidah is the entry point for most of Yemen’s humanitarian aid and commercial imports. World Food Program (WFP) grain stores in the area have been cut off in the conflict zone for six months, putting the contents at risk of rotting. A WFP technical team was scheduled to cross the front line between the Houthi movement forces and the Saudi-backed government on the eastern outskirts of Hodeidah to fumigate the wheat stored in the Red Sea Mills. However, Houthi forces told the WFP team they could not leave areas held by the movement inside Hodeidah city for “security reasons.”