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27 Apr, 2019 22:43

ISIS claims responsibility for clash with police in Sri Lanka

The Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS, ISIL) terrorist group has claimed it was behind a standoff with police in the east coast city of Kalmunai in Sri Lanka. In a statement carried by its mouthpiece, Amaq news agency, IS claimed that 17 policemen were either killed or injured during the prolonged gun battle that took place on Friday night. The militant group said that three of its fighters blew themselves up after a shootout with police that lasted for several hours. The agency posted a photo of the two of its militants who were supposedly killed by the law enforcement. It was reported earlier that police raided a safe house after receiving a tip-off from traffic police facing off with militants who set off multiple explosions and opened fire. Police recovered explosives, detonators, uniforms and Islamic State flags. One civilian was killed in the crossfire and four bodies of suspected terrorists were found, according to the military.