Sudan protesters to hold 2-day strike to pile pressure on military

28 May, 2019 07:39 / Updated 5 years ago

Sudan is bracing for a two-day nationwide strike from Tuesday. Protesters hope to pile pressure on the military to hand power to a civilian administration, AFP reports.

The talks remain deadlocked, as leaders of the protest movement, the Alliance for Freedom and Change, and army generals who seized power after ousting President Omar al-Bashir last month, have so far failed to iron out differences over who should lead a new governing body.

The new governing body is expected to install a transitional civilian government, which in turn would prepare for the first post-Bashir elections after a three-year interim period ends.

“The two-day strike aims to deliver a message to the whole world that the Sudanese people want a real change and they don’t want the power to be with the military,” said Siddiq Farukh, a leader of the protest movement.