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4 Jun, 2019 11:16

Sudanese opposition rejects military’s plan to hold elections within 9 months

Sudanese opposition rejects military’s plan to hold elections within 9 months

Sudan’s opposition on Tuesday rejected a plan by its military rulers to hold elections within nine months. At least 35 people were killed the previous day when security forces stormed a protest camp outside the Defense Ministry in central Khartoum, according to doctors linked to the opposition.

The military council afterwards cancelled all agreements with the main opposition alliance and said an election should be held within nine months.

Madani Abbas Madani, a leader of the Declaration of Freedom and Change Forces opposition alliance, said a civil disobedience campaign would continue to try to force the council from power.

The opposition rejected all that Transitional Military Council (TMC) Head Lieutenant General Abdel Fattah al-Burhan said in his statement, Reuters quoted Madani as saying.