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5 Jul, 2019 14:23

German rescue ship captain Rackete to sue Italy’s Salvini over migrant comments

German rescue ship captain Rackete to sue Italy’s Salvini over migrant comments

The German captain of a migrant rescue ship will sue Italian Interior Minister Matteo Salvini for defamation, her lawyer said on Friday. Carola Rackete, 31, was freed from house arrest on Tuesday.

A judge dismissed accusations she had endangered the lives of Italian servicemen by ignoring military orders and bringing a boatload of migrants to the port of Lampedusa.

Salvini has repeatedly denounced Rackete, promising to expel her from Italy, Reuters said.

According to Rackete’s lawyer Alessandro Gamberini, a lawsuit had been drawn up. “We have already prepared the case against minister Salvini,” he told Radio Cusano Campus, accusing the minister of stirring up hatred. Rackete, who has reportedly been targeted by Internet trolls with threats, is currently in hiding.