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8 Jul, 2019 14:55

Sudan’s military council ‘to be dissolved’ in transition deal reached with protesters

Sudan’s military council ‘to be dissolved’ in transition deal reached with protesters

Sudan’s top general has said the military council that assumed power after the overthrow of President Omar al-Bashir in April will be dissolved with the implementation of a power-sharing deal.

The agreement with a pro-democracy coalition was reached last week. A joint sovereign council will rule for a little over three years while elections are organized.

A diplomatic push by the US and its Arab allies was key to ending a weeks-long standoff that raised fears of all-out civil war, AP said, citing both sides.

The head of the military council, Gen. Abdel-Fattah Burhan, said in televised comments late Sunday that the army would return to its barracks after 21 months, when leadership of the council passes from a military representative to a civilian.