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7 Oct, 2019 15:10

Turkish ship to begin drilling south of Cyprus by Tuesday – Ankara

Turkish ship to begin drilling south of Cyprus by Tuesday – Ankara

The Turkish ship Yavuz will begin drilling for oil and gas southwest of Cyprus on Monday or Tuesday, according to Energy Minister Fatih Donmez. Ankara said on Thursday it had sent the ship to the area where Greek Cypriot authorities have already awarded hydrocarbon exploration rights to Italian and French companies.

Cyprus has accused Turkey of a “severe escalation” of infringements of its sovereign rights, Reuters said.

“All preparations have been completed, and [Yavuz] will start its first drilling in the area either today or tomorrow,” Donmez told an energy conference on Monday.

Turkey has already drilled wells in waters to the east and west of the island, triggering strong protests from Nicosia and the EU in recent months.