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19 Dec, 2019 08:55

Iranian President Rouhani urges deeper Muslim links to fight ‘US economic hegemony’

Iranian President Rouhani urges deeper Muslim links to fight ‘US economic hegemony’

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani on Thursday urged Muslim nations to deepen financial and trade cooperation to fight “US economic hegemony.” He also used an Islamic conference in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia as a platform to decry American sanctions against his country, AP reports.

The president repeated his assertion that the US has used economic sanctions as the “main tools of domineering hegemony and bullying” of other nations.

Iran has been gripped by violent protests since last month amid anger over a sharp hike in gasoline prices following US sanctions. They were imposed after Washington withdrew last year from Iran’s 2015 nuclear deal with world powers.

On Friday, Rouhani leaves for a two-day visit to Japan.