Now his student visa has expired, why shouldn’t Britain send the serial gay rapist Reynhard Sinaga back to conservative Indonesia?

Damian Wilson

Damian Wilson is a UK journalist, ex-Fleet Street editor, financial industry consultant and political communications special advisor in the UK and EU.

8 Jan, 2020 12:44 / Updated 5 years ago
Indonesian student Reynhard Sinaga was jailed for life on January 6, 2020.

As Britain's most prolific serial rapist Reynhard Sinaga begins his 30-year prison sentence, the fact that he no longer holds a valid visa is a golden opportunity to get rid of this animal before he costs taxpayers a penny more.

Sinaga has been found guilty of 159 sexual offences against 48 men, perpetrated over years, primarily in Manchester, where his rich family paid for his education. Reports indicate that the true number of victims could be much higher.

According to reports, Sinaga's student visa expired on September 28 last year, so he really has no legal right to remain in the UK. While he is scheduled to be deported when he eventually finishes his jail term, who knows how he will be remembered then, how the parole service will look, or even if this sociopath will still be alive in 2050.

Based on the most recent figures, a prison place in England costs the taxpayer around £40,000 ($52,400) a year, so keeping this monster in his cushy cell will cost us at least £1.2 million ($1.6 million).

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Why don't we just save the money, put him on a plane, and send him back to his native Indonesia to serve out his sentence?

And as an added bonus it might have the effect of increasing the sense of punishment for the remorseless Sinaga, who was reprimanded by his trial judge for seeming to openly enjoy the proceedings against him and showing no empathy for his victims or regret for his attacks.

The openly gay perpetual student has actively avoided returning to his conservative homeland in the 12 years since he moved to Britain. And we are talking very conservative here. One region of Indonesia introduced anti-LGBT legislation in 2018 after it was deemed that homosexuality was an "infectious disease."

That is not the sort of environment that Reynhard Sinaga wishes to return to, after spending all this time at the heart of the gay scene in live-and-let-live Manchester. But then he did not make the best use of Britain's tolerance or welcoming spirit.

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He has gamed the student visa system, even managing to correct a slip-up on his paperwork in 2012 when he would have briefly been considered an overstayer and subject to deportation.

So now that he is in custody, who could possibly argue against his immediate deportation?

This action would certainly not be without precedent.

From the latest figures available, Britain sent more than 5,000 foreign criminals back to their home countries, or wherever would take them, in the year to July 2019. Since the start of 2010, there have been more than 362,000 voluntary or enforced returns.

But that means we are still left with around 9,000 foreigners languishing in prison at the UK taxpayers' expense, so if we can make any headway on this, and send a message that this sort of waste will not be tolerated, nor will offenders from abroad who think they get off lightly by doing time in British jails.

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