Americans already tried living without police, and it wasn’t called the ‘Wild West’ for nothing! Is THAT what you want?

Robert Bridge is an American writer and journalist. He is the author of 'Midnight in the American Empire,' How Corporations and Their Political Servants are Destroying the American Dream.

10 Jun, 2020 16:18 / Updated 5 years ago

In the wake of George Floyd’s death that occurred under the knee of a white cop, leftist groups are demanding police departments be abolished. If they succeed, problems for whites and minorities will have just begun.

As the protests over the death of Floyd continue to mount, the American people are awakening to scenarios impossible to have imagined when they had gone to bed. On Tuesday, for example, anarchists and Antifa, claiming the moral high ground, seized six city blocks in Democrat-ruled Seattle, declaring the lawless, cop-free land an “autonomous zone.” 

Sympathizers for the hostile takeover make it sound as though they have just brought a mellow, peace-loving Woodstock festival to town. One attendee gushed over the “unreal energy there – organizers are protecting the barricades by sitting peacefully… People listening to music and talking. It’s wonderful.” 

This surreal scenario places thousands of Seattle residents in a precarious, hostage-like situation, and comes after Black Lives Matter and the local city council called for the Minneapolis police force to be dismantled

Clearly, these left-leaning rabble-rousers, the majority of whom are still green behind the ears, have not thought through their idyllic plans beyond dinnertime. Who do they think will assume responsibility for law and order when they dial 911 in the middle of the night to report a burglary, an assault or something worse? Black Lives Matter? The mayor’s office? How about when a resident’s home security system detects an intruder – who will respond to the alarms? The administrative offices of Antifa? I suspect they will be preoccupied with other matters.  

In a scene borrowed from a Mad Max film, where police departments are reduced to mere skeleton crews, or sold for scrap metal altogether, people of average means will be forced to rely on themselves to ensure their personal security. The wealthier citizens, meanwhile, will remain safe inside of their high-security mansions, or underground luxury bunkers, perhaps with the added comfort of a private security firm.

Americans got a shocking glimpse as to what the future may look like following the death of George Floyd when so-called “protesters” looted shops, destroyed property and assaulted innocent civilians as police cruisers burned in the background. The desperate scenes brought to mind images of the Wild West as dozens of shop owners appeared on the roof of their businesses brandishing firearms, ordering trespassers to “stay away.” All that was missing to complete the picture were the cowboy hats. Some of the troublemakers even ventured into the suburbs after there was nothing left to loot and burn downtown. Here is where liberal ideology, which is dangerously connecting the concept of “law and order” to “white privilege,” collides headlong with brutal reality.

The irony of liberals giving police the boot is that they also never stop raging against the Second Amendment, which gives Americans the right to bear arms, and with it the ultimate power to protect themselves. Such a contradictory proposal will create conditions far worse than those that now exist in “Gangland” Chicago, which has some of the strictest gun laws in the nation, as well as a fully functioning police force, yet just registered its single deadliest day since record-taking began six decades ago.  

Former New York Police Department Commissioner Bernard Kerik told The Sara Carter Show that “if black lives really mattered to the Black Lives Matter group and Antifa they’d be marching all over Chicago.” I am afraid he’s right.

As many of the residents of Chicago would attest to, a greater police presence on the streets of their neighborhoods would not be such an unwelcome thing. To be clear, that does not mean that the United States does not have some major problems with its law enforcement agencies. It certainly does.  

Police in the US kill civilians at a much higher rate than police in other countries. Last year, for example, over 1,000 citizens lost their lives in the course of brush-ups with the cops, according to Prison Policy Initiative. Compare that to Canada (36), Germany (11) and Japan (2). Although the US has the third highest number of people in the world, the data strongly suggests that something is out of whack in the land of the free.

At the same time, however, it’s crucial to point out that African Americans and other minorities are not the only groups to suffer from excessive police force. Although there are more white people in the US than blacks, the data still indicates that violence against whites is also an issue. So yes, the United States is in desperate need of police reform, but let's shelve the race-baiting propaganda. Instead, let's focus on police techniques and methods to prevent yet more tragic episodes that snuff out the life of those in custody. 

Americans of all creeds and colors must draw a line and say “yes” to police reform, “no” to abolishing the police. It goes without saying that every person from every country deserves a well-funded and responsible police force – with emphasis on the word ‘responsible’ – to protect them from the dangerous elements of society. After all, nobody, not even members of Antifa, wishes to live inside of a lawless Mad Max Hollywood script forever.

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