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23 Jun, 2020 15:45

I won’t be surprised if Meghan Markle piggybacks BLM to run for US president, she is money hungry & status driven

I won’t be surprised if Meghan Markle piggybacks BLM to run for US president, she is money hungry & status driven

Meghan Markle must have delusions of grandeur if she really has aspirations of becoming US president, despite having absolutely no proper credentials for the role. But the worrying thing is, others said the same about Trump.

I initially presumed Meghan Markle was desperate to have her ego massaged when a “close friend” let it slip over the weekend that the former ‘Suits’ star now felt“destined” for greatness, perhaps as a modern version of Malcom X or Martin Luther King, in her quest to fight racism in the wake of George Floyd’s tragic death.

I certainly wouldn’t question her heart not being in the right place considering she’s of mixed heritage herself, but it sounded like a harebrained scheme when the “friend” took things one step further and stretched credulity even more by also letting it be known that Meghan was not ruling out a political career, thank you very much.

“Meghan feels like her mission goes far beyond acting. She said she wants to use her voice for change and hasn’t ruled out a career in politics,” the friend told a British tabloid.

In truth, Meghan wouldn’t even have the huge public profile that she enjoys today if it wasn’t for Prince Harry. Prior to meeting him, she was destined for a mediocre acting career in Hollywood, because – sorry for speaking the truth here – she was only ever a ‘B-list actress’ at best.

And I reckon even she deep down knew her career would’ve faded into obscurity of soap opera hell if she hadn’t nabbed her very own Prince Charming when she went actively fishing for a suitable suitor in London. Let’s not forget Meghan had a lucky escape when she even considered going out on a date with the womanizing footballer Ashley Cole.

But it seems this manufactured story wasn’t just a WAG-like effort to hit the headlines, but – God forbid – an actual kite flying exercise to see if the public would lap up the idea of Meghan the politician.

And soon after it was leaked, the boat was pushed out even further with reports that it was now  her dream to become the so-called Leader of the Free World.

“I know the Duchess of Sussex has political ambitions and I’ve been told that one day she wants to run for president,” claims royal author Lady Colin Campbell, who is a British socialite and TV personality, having appeared on the hit UK reality series, ‘I’m A Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here’.

Lady Campbell is even claiming that the former Duchess of Sussex purposely moved back to the US because she has had political ambitions for a while now.

But hold on a second! I thought Meghan and Harry had stepped down from their royal duties and relocated to the US because they wanted to raise their family away from the intense media scrutiny they suffered at the hands of the British tabloids?

Do they not realize the media spotlight would only increase tenfold if she was actually able to achieve such a pipedream of becoming US president? Just look at the 24/7 Donald show.

In fairness, Meghan wouldn’t be the first B-movie star to make it all the way to the White House. Ronald Reagan – probably most famous for starring alongside a monkey in ‘Bedtime for Bonzo’ – served as the 40th president of the United States.

But I can understand why she certainly wouldn’t appreciate being compared to a known racist like Reagan who once outrageously insulted African delegates by calling them “monkeys” in a recorded phone call with Nixon.

But if alive today, racist Reagan wouldn’t probably appreciate being compared to her either. Because even he only managed to pull off his White House dream after putting in the groundwork of eight long years as the governor of California and a stint as a union leader. It’s hard to imagine Meghan putting in such a hard slog, seeing as she’s used to snapping her fingers to get her way.

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It’s utterly ridiculous that our hero Meghan is now being described as this important “leader” figure by this “close friend” who blathered: “Meghan said her work as a leader is more important than ever right now and that she’s been speaking with Oprah and other community leaders on how she can be part of the solution.”

Not being facetious here, but how is Meghan a charismatic leader when – apart from obviously wearing the pants in her household – I don’t see any great achievements for her to boast about?

Never mind Reagan, she’s not even in the same league as Michelle Obama who – with all her outstanding academic and professional achievements, coupled with eight years of experience as First Lady – has had the good sense not to utter such foolishness about wanting to be president.

In contrast, Meghan has what’s best described as a rudimental college education with a BA in theater and international studies and a very limited real life experience thanks to her cushioned existence as an actress and princess. And – last but not least – she has absolutely no political pedigree apart from some humanitarian work that probably puts her on par with Greta Thunberg.

So, what makes her think she’s the special one? Yes, America has always had a strong love affair with the British royal family, but surely that alone wouldn’t be enough to help get her over the finish line, would it?

It’s completely ludicrous that there’s even talk about her as a potential presidential candidate, because it only amplifies how desperate things are in the American political landscape when the media actually starts taking her seriously now as something of a Great White Hope.

It begs the question: will US politics ever embrace convention again? Or are we destined for even more moronic celebrity stars like The Donald?

The 38-year-old is clearly status hungry, obsessively so too, as is evident from this presidential story clearly being orchestrated by her people, which I doubt happened without her approval.

It must be eating her up alive that she will never be able to call Windsor Castle home sweet home. It’s no secret that there’s no love lost between Meghan and her royal rival Kate Middleton who is a “glass-slipper” shoe-in to fill Camilla’s shoes after Prince Charles pops his clogs.

With this in mind, I feel all this silly talk of wanting to reside at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington is literally a case of keeping up with the Jones – or the Windsors in this case.

At this stage, I wouldn’t be surprised if I woke up in the morning to find someone bigging up Meghan as a potential running mate for Joe Biden. Of course I say that in jest, but she would certainly tick all the right boxes for the former vice president, being both a woman and of mixed heritage. Shush! We better not give the Democrats any funny ideas here…

TV media personality Piers Morgan recently told Donald Trump, “You’re not fit to light Churchill’s cigar, Mr President…” But we could easily say the same thing about Meghan.

I am not saying this in a derogatory way with any racial undertones, but rather in the true spirit of the politically correct terminology that it is intended – Meghan Markle wouldn’t be fit to run a Banana Republic never mind the US economy.

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