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31 Jul, 2020 17:30

Wayne Dupree: I love the NBA, but these part-time activists have gotten on my last nerve

Wayne Dupree: I love the NBA, but these part-time activists have gotten on my last nerve

The multi-millionaire star LeBron James seeks Colin Kaepernick's approval for the NBA’s paean to Black Lives Matter. But why don’t these virtue-signaling fools actually use their muscle and money to bring about real change?

LeBron James and the Los Angeles Lakers won their first game in the 2020 NBA bubble as the league kicked off its extended season on Thursday night, and the craziest thing that he did was worry if controversial out-of-work and overpaid former athlete Colin Kaepernick was happy with the product.

Yes, Kaepernick is such a great role model, right? It's hard to believe there are so many uneducated idiots in major league sports. If people would stop going to games, stop buying the merchandise, stop buying major league products for their kids, and stop turning on the games, this nonsense would stop.

NBA players were able to remove their names from their jerseys and add social justice messages for the first time in the history of the league. The NBA court also bore the message “Black Lives Matter.”

It's a sad, sad day when you want to make a shakedown millionaire happy under the disguise of promoting social justice during this season. But then again, it has now become the norm to kneel, instead of choosing the braver route of taking a stand and actually standing up.

The irony here is how the NBA stars are taking billions from China, and sitting on their hands while China runs child sweatshops or pays slave wages, takes democracy away from Hong Kong, and arrests dissenters for speaking out – something they just did in this country because it is their right. I am not going too far in calling these part-time activists a bunch of hypocritical idiots.

ESPN ran an explosive story earlier this week, about human rights abuses that allegedly took place at the NBA's training academies in China. This bombshell report alleged that the young participants in the NBA program were physically beaten by Chinese instructors and were not provided proper schooling, despite commissioner Adam Silver's previous commitment that education would be “central” to the program. A former league employee compared the atmosphere when he worked in Xinjiang to Germany in World War II.

Hey, LeBron… you with the estimated net worth of $450m... do you want to comment on this?

Also on rt.com Charles Barkley says ‘don’t kneel’ & Twitter erupts, proving black people aren’t allowed to think independently

Here's an excellent idea: instead of kneeling, why don't these superstars put their money where their mouth is and fund the change they seek? Starting with the culture and lack of parenting that holds much of the black community hostage? Change begins at home. They can use their platform to inspire black people to rise and overcome, not encourage hate and disrespect for our flag and our country. Anyone who hates the US so much just needs to leave.

As for the Black Lives Matter organization, they don't care about black lives one bit. If they did, they would address the crime and violence inside of our neighborhoods and work to bring that down on a national scale. They would be just as upset about a black child’s life taken in a drive-by at the hands of criminals and gang members who live for nothing but themselves.

Where are the protests by these NBA players denouncing such black violence? Where are the neighborhood protests for the thousands of blacks murdered annually by their own kind? Where are the protests for the hundreds of innocent children that are killed by their kind? The Marxist BLM organization is a group of opportunists who are making a killing in donations and monies from large corporations who feel the need to show their participation in keeping the lie alive.

James does not speak for anyone but other rich sports players who have made their millions off the backs of Americans who work and contribute to society. You know... police officers, military families, health care workers, trash haulers, teachers, etc.

Sport is about entertainment and escape. I don't need to be lectured, especially by a bunch of rich “do I say and not as I do” sorts that only practice activism during their work schedules, not during their family vacation.

Many Americans feel that ending racism must always be a goal in our land; never take your eyes off of it! But our flag is our symbol of all that is GOOD about America – NOT what her problems are! The patriot, hand over heart, stands for the anthem in respect for the founding values of the USA (slavery was an accommodated act, not a founding value).

To disrespect the flag is to disrespect the goodness and the true hope of America. That hope includes a land free from racism. Every time I stand for the anthem, I stand AGAINST racism and those that promoted and practiced it long before I was born and afterwards.

Nothing, therefore, excuses kneeling during the national anthem. Again, it insults the hopes of America, and that denigrates us all. As a military veteran, I believe the true patriot understands the battle against racism is to be fought elsewhere - not when we stand for our nation's anthem. When we are united and thankful for the land of the free and the home of the brave: the greatest nation on Earth!

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