New world disorder: US demands that planet accept its damaged woke concepts while continuing to lecture on democracy

As a democracy, the United States has the right to pick and choose the sort of social and cultural mores it wants to live by without any outside interference. So why does it not show the same courtesy to other nations?
When we hear discussions today about imperial ‘conquests’ and ‘takeovers,’ the natural assumption is that some form of military aggression is being alluded to. Yet that’s not always the case. In fact, attacks on national traditions are occurring every single day on the social and cultural fronts, and it should come as no surprise that America is the driving force behind this juggernaut.
Presently, the US is undergoing a radical transformation the likes of which the world has never seen. Across the country, liberal progressives, captivated by the allure of ‘wokeness’ and extreme social justice, are overturning the ‘natural order of things’ by placing minorities and their controversial movements to the front of the serving line. This can be witnessed, for example, by the almost fanatical promotion of the LGBTQ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer) community, which has its own flag, gratuitous corporate sponsorship, and even the entire month of June set aside in its honor.
Perhaps the most provocative part of this movement, however, involves the idea of transgender, which postulates that the sex of a biological male or female is not determined by its genitalia, but rather by what each individual person feels. Personally, I have no problem with any adult who accepts such beliefs, even if they wish to submit to a sex-change operation. The problem, however, is when the wants and desires of a miniscule segment of the population begin to adversely affect those of the majority. It seems we have reached that point.
Just this week, for example, California Governor Gavin Newsom signed a law requiring authorities to house transgender inmates based on their gender identity. The law forbids the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation from denying such requests solely based on the inmates’ anatomy, sexual orientation or “a factor present” (i.e. female inmates) at the facility. This echoes legislation put forward by former president Barack Obama in 2016 that threatened to cut funding to any public school that refused to let transgender students use the bathrooms matching their chosen gender identity. Upon entering office in 2017, Donald Trump, taking a cue from the social warriors’ playbook, ‘canceled’ the legislation.
I'm so happy after such a long struggle to be living my true self. Welcome to the world Caitlyn. Can't wait for you to get to know her/me.
— Caitlyn Jenner (@Caitlyn_Jenner) June 1, 2015
The controversy surrounding this one US cultural issue, as well as numerous others, is meant to illustrate a point: if the American people themselves cannot agree on such radical concepts, why are Americans slowly but surely forcing them on the world?
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Thanks to America’s undying belief in its ‘exceptional’ character, it has deemed itself the arbiter as to what values the world should hold dear, democracy be damned. Last year, for example, in a bid to curry favor with the radical leftists inside of the Democratic Party, Joe Biden, who could end up being the next US president, said he would “curtail foreign assistance to countries” who do not uphold the values of the LGBTQ community, and regardless if they clash with the traditions and beliefs of the country in question. The former vice president was also quoted as saying he would establish an office in the State Department with the job of promoting LGBTQ rights around the world.
This sort of sex-based foreign policy, however, is not solely the domain of the Democratic Party. In April, Richard Grenell, the former acting director of national intelligence in the Trump government, said the US would consider the possibility of not sharing intelligence with countries that discriminate against gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender lifestyles. Not only is that an obscene amount of meddling in the affairs of foreign states, which borders on blackmail, it could throw an potentially dangerous monkey wrench into the world of espionage.
Maybe if Uncle Sam would spend less time policing the world’s bedrooms, it would discover that not every nation agrees with its homegrown cultural experiments.
Consider the issue of homosexuality and same-sex marriages, for example. A recent survey by Pew showed that the world continues to remain very much divided on the matter. While many countries in the western hemisphere show a high acceptance of such lifestyles, the more conservative countries in the East generally do not share those sentiments. For example, 72 percent of the US population said they accept homosexuality, whereas in distant Ukraine just 14 percent agreed.
Such polls, however, can be very misleading. In Russia, for example, which also shows 14 percent acceptance rates, there is no legislation on the books outlawing homosexuality, as has been recklessly reported in the Western media. Instead, Russia passed a law in 2013 (“For the Purpose of Protecting Children from Information Advocating for a Denial of Traditional Family Values”) that works to prevent the “propaganda of non-traditional sexual relationships” among minors. In other words, let’s wait until children are 18 to begin such heavy conversations. All things considered, this seems to be a very reasonable idea, and one that conforms to Russian traditions. Yet the US establishment simply wrote it off as “anti-gay.”
Meanwhile, back in the gold-paved streets of America, many children are learning about alternative sexual lifestyles in grade school, occasionally with the help of ‘drag queen story time’ at the local library. At the same time, an increasing number of adolescents, with the full support of the psychiatric community, are being allowed to start ‘gender-transitioning’ operations – which many of these youngsters live to regret later, and there is little chance of ‘turning back.’
Also on When promoting Christian family values & querying LGBT lessons gets you fired, it’s clear the Bible is woke militia’s new targetThe main point, however, is that although other countries may have severe reservations over such radical new practices, ultimately it comes down to the choice of the American people whether to continue with them or not. After all, that’s what democracy is all about – respecting those ideas, however strange they may seem to outsiders, that a people hold dear. The US, however, does not seem ready to play by such rules as it continuously pushes its version of the ‘new world order.’
Just like the American people, the emotion-fueled woke train is bearing down not only on the United States, but the entire world. And with the crackdown on open democratic debate, as witnessed at the most unlikely of places – from US college campuses to the increasingly totalitarian world of social media – many people will be powerless to stop the onslaught. After all, if the United States forbids its own people from questioning the wisdom of the brave new woke world, foreign countries should not expect any special favors either.
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