Trump behaved no worse than JFK or Clinton – all these ‘Orange Man Bad’ cries only hurt the media

Donald Trump may have some character flaws, but no more than some other presidents in US history. Yet, the media would have us believe the populist is an irredeemable sociopath driving the nation to ruin. Facts suggest otherwise.
There is a little game I like to play whenever I check my emails. Before logging into my account, I scroll down the Yahoo News aggregate with the goal of finding a single news article that shows Donald Trump in a positive light. It’s no easy trivial pursuit; in fact, in all the months of playing I have yet to score a single point.
Instead, I am bombarded by a barrage of outrageous headlines, like these delightful turds: ‘Trump Complains About ‘Massive Dumps’ While Lying About Why He Lost’ (Rolling Stone), ‘Trump Biographer Hits President Where It Hurts: Can’t Even Succeed At Being A Loser,’ (HuffPost), and ‘Trump was ‘muttering, I won, I won, like Mad King George’ after election defeat, report says’ (The Independent). There is no doubt that if the 45th POTUS were to miraculously walk on water, the Fourth Estate would report he’s a lousy swimmer. In any case, as Trump’s first and possibly last term fades to dark amid charges of election fraud, the right’s frustration with these daily hit jobs has reached critical mass.
White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany, for example, who recently stormed out of a news conference by telling a CNN journalist that she “doesn’t call on activists,” expressed frustration on Twitter over a Washington Post story that reported, “Biden chooses an all-female senior White House press team.”
Although it may seem petty, the Trump administration, as McEnany emphasized in her tweet, “already has an ALL FEMALE Senior White House Press Team.” Yet the media has kept that information a well-guarded secret the last four years since it would clash with their long-standing narrative that Trump is a slavering sexist, and anyone who would vote for such a Neanderthal is “angry, spoiled, racially resentful [and] aggrieved,” according to yet another unhinged heap of hyperbole.
President @realDonaldTrump already has an ALL FEMALE Senior White House Press Team.So does @VP...So does @FLOTUS...So does @SecondLady...The completely DISCREDITED @washingtonpost once again reveals their blinding propagandist Fake News proclivities ⬇️
— Kayleigh McEnany (@kayleighmcenany) November 30, 2020
So is Trump really a sexist? Judging by the number of prominent females in his administration – his CIA chief is Gina Haspel, for example, while he just successfully got Amy Coney Barrett a seat on the US Supreme Court – the allegations seem overblown. And while there may have been dalliances with the occasional Stormy Daniels in his previous life, there have been no unsightly sex scandals staining the Oval Office as there were, say, when Bill Clinton rocked D.C. with the premiere of ‘Zippergate,’ starring the 22-year-old intern Monica Lewinsky.
Did the liberal media unleash its wrath on the reckless Democratic president with the notoriously loose libido? Hell no. Despite the seriousness of the charges, they never actively sought the character assassination of Bill Clinton as they have done every single day with the current US president. In fact, when Clinton left office in 2001, his approval ranking stood at 68 percent, one of the highest of the modern era. And, let’s face it, had the media vilified him even half as much as they do Trump, he never would never have succeeded in building the Clinton Foundation empire, which, incidentally, happily accepted donations from several Middle East countries notorious for oppressing women.
The very same argument could be made about another ‘sexist’ president, the Democratic darling John F. Kennedy, whose sexual prowess has become stuff of legend. Indeed, although the crown prince of Camelot did not appoint a single woman to his cabinet, there was never a shortage of females to be found in the vicinity of the 35th POTUS. Some of his rumored conquests included the actresses Marlene Dietrich and Marilyn Monroe, as well as his wife Jackie’s personal secretary, Pamela Turnure. It’s even been said that Kennedy had a fling with Ellen Rometsch, believed to have been an East German Communist spy. That budding romance was reportedly brought to the attention of Bobby Kennedy, the president’s younger brother, by none other than FBI director J. Edgar Hoover. Now try and imagine, coming after the FBI-inspired Russiagate nothing burger, what the media and the establishment would have done to Trump had such a potentially dangerous affair been discovered to have occurred on his watch.
Since there isn’t much meat on the bone to sustain allegations that Trump is a ‘sexist,’ then certainly he must be a racist. After all, the media could not possibly be wrong on both charges, right? You be the judge.
First, consider that Trump saw his support among black voters surge by 50 percent over 2016. Indeed, no other Republican leader in recent memory has enjoyed more success in getting Black voters to abandon the “plantation” of the Democratic Party. Would so many Black Americans have thrown their support behind a racist? At the same time, he increased his share of the national Hispanic vote to 35 percent.
.@realDonaldTrump, we want to say Thank you for being the best President ever. Thank you for being our voice and Thank you for paving the way for all Americans to have an opportunity at obtaining the American Dream. We Love you so much more. God Bless You.
— Diamond and Silk® (@DiamondandSilk) July 14, 2019
Much of the enthusiasm from the minority population has derived from Trump’s ability to give them meaningful work. The unemployment rates for African Americans, Hispanic Americans, Asian Americans, and other minorities have all reached record lows under the Republican leader. At the same time, wages for this demographic have grown at their fastest rate in a decade, that is, if the official White House website is to be trusted.
Your man Creepy @JoeBiden did the eulogy for Democrat Senator Robert Byrd a former KKK leader, and Crooked @HillaryClinton even kissed him. Never forget @TheDemocrats are the founders of the KKK, and not one voted to free the slaves.
— Trish 🇺🇸 (@Peruvianmuse) June 9, 2020
If Trump seems to be no nemesis of the minorities, no closeted White Supremacist as regularly suggested by the media, then where did these rumors of racism emerge? Much of it is the result of Trump’s efforts to build a wall on the US-Mexican border, the singular hot-button issue that was most responsible for getting him into the White House.
In June 2015, while Trump was on the campaign trail, he remarked, “When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best.” He added: “They’re sending people that have a lot of problems, and they’re bringing those problems…. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.”
Naturally, the liberal, anti-Trump media twisted those comments to portray the populist as a rabble-rousing xenophobe, when in fact he was merely drawing attention to the fact that having an open border poses great risk to the American people. While Trump could have sugar-coated his tough comments so as to be more digestible for public consumption, his predictions have come true on numerous occasions, as innocent civilians continue to lose their lives to illegals seeking refuge in the United States.
A person need not be an avid Trump fan to see a serious problem with this sort of media bias. And now that Trump appears to have lost the 2020 presidential election, the mainstream media have arrogantly refused to report on the legal challenges being launched by Trump’s lawyers in the various swing states where suspicious activity may have occurred. Just as the media treats any news that does not promote the liberal agenda, claims of voting irregularities on Election Day, being put forward by dozens of witnesses, is casually ignored as “conspiracy theory.”
This relentless four-year campaign to destroy Trump may, in the ultimate display of ‘poetic justice,’ have the unintended effect of destroying the media industrial complex, which has already lost the trust of many Americans. Worse, it may render US democracy altogether redundant if enough people come around to the conclusion they have been the victim of a massive fraud. The US media will have only itself to blame if such a devastating turn of events is realized.
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