In like a lion, out like a kitten. Trump’s transition temper tantrum is ruining the conservative cause

Micah Curtis is a game and tech journalist from the US. Aside from writing for RT, he hosts the podcast Micah and The Hatman, and is an independent comic book writer. 

2 Dec, 2020 11:57

Ever since the investigations began into potential voter fraud in the US, Donald Trump has been on a tirade. What he doesn’t seem to realize is that he’s making Republicans seem inept, opening the door for Democrat power.

As time has gone on since election day, there have been allegations of voter fraud, ongoing court cases, and confirmations in several states. The odds are that Joe Biden will become the 46th president of the United States. Much like any other conservative, I’m not exactly happy with the result, but if it’s legitimate, then it’s legitimate. On the flip side, any sort of fraud should be investigated thoroughly and the culprits punished. I would hope this would be something on which a lot of Americans could find common ground.

The way likely-outgoing President Donald Trump has behaved in the weeks since the election, however, is a problem. While the frustration is understandable, Trump comes across like a child having a tantrum. He’s lashing out at every single person who supported him a month ago but is powerless to help him now in his crusade. Brian Kemp, the governor of Georgia, backed him, but Trump called him hapless because he won’t use emergency powers to “overrule his obstinate Secretary of State, and do a match of signatures on envelopes.”

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It also doesn’t help that Sidney Powell, one of the lawyers looking into Trump’s claims of fraud, is alleging that Kemp was paid to rig the election. To my recollection, aren’t you supposed to ask who benefits in these cases? Why would Kemp help rig an election for the Democrats when Biden being president would do nothing for him? And then there was Joe DiGenova, another member of Trump’s legal team, who declared that Chris Krebs, the former head of election security, who said Trump’s defeat to Biden was not subject to voter fraud, should be “taken out at dawn and shot! I’m starting to wonder if Rudy Giuliani’s job as Trump’s lawyer is in any way similar to herding cats.

But there’s an important element to all of this that is being neglected, and that’s the upcoming run-off election in Georgia. Between Powell’s antics and Trump’s tantrums, it seems they’re going to continue to cast doubt on whether or not any election is legitimate. This is utterly absurd. The fact of the matter is that if the Democrats take those runoffs, they will effectively have control of both the legislative and executive branches of the United States government. This would allow Biden’s vision for the country to be set in stone rather quickly.

Do I think there could be a substantial amount of voter fraud? Absolutely. That being said, what Trump is doing is the exact opposite of what he should be doing politically. He needs to let his lawyers present the evidence they need to make their case. If that evidence is as much of a kraken as they say it is, it will likely swallow the whole system. The last thing he should be thinking about is yelling at other people in the government on Twitter unless it helps the Republican candidates in the Georgia runoffs.

I believe Donald Trump is the best president I’ve seen in my lifetime. When it came to backing up exactly what he said he would do, he came in like a lion. But, in contrast, the way he’s going out can best be described as acting like a feral kitten who doesn’t want to leave the corner it’s huddled in.

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