From ‘healthcare heroes’ to 2nd-class zeroes: New York hospitals sack their unvaxxed employees as police state’s jaws snap shut

Helen Buyniski

Helen Buyniski is an American journalist and political commentator at RT.

28 Sep, 2021 19:53
Protest against vaccine mandates in NYC © Reuters / Andrew Kelly

New York has begun firing and suspending healthcare workers who refuse to get inoculated with the experimental Covid-19 shot, proving the mandate from the state that once praised its ‘frontline heroes’ is really just about power.

Monday was the deadline for New York’s healthcare workers to receive their first vaccine dose, and the state’s facade of blissful obedience has already begun to crack. While New York City Health + Hospitals head Dr. Mitchell Katz has reported that just 5% of city nurses were unvaccinated (and presumably kicked to the curb), the number across the state is significantly higher – 16%, according to Governor Kathy Hochul, who spoke on Saturday of potentially filling the staffing void with National Guard service members or out-of-state medical workers as she declared yet another statewide disaster emergency. 

The state has attempted to downplay this first round of firings, presumably aware of the jarring note mass layoffs would strike against the previously ubiquitous atmosphere of support for New York’s hallowed ‘frontline workers’. 

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After all, the doctors, nurses, and hospital staffers themselves have done nothing wrong professionally. Some whistleblowers have expressed concern at the possibility of being separated from patients they’ve cared for for years, and many of their patients will no doubt be blindsided when their long-term carers inexplicably vanish, to be replaced with soldiers in scrubs. Some doctors and nurses have managed to hang on using religious exemptions, which may or may not hold up in court, as the state government has declared them illegitimate.

Even with the religious loophole intact, the threatened staff shortages are very real, as at least one upstate New York hospital has already discovered the hard way. Days before the vaccination mandate was set to take effect, Lewis County General Hospital announced it would have to temporarily stop delivering babies, as neonatal nurses resigned rather than receive the jab – which, despite rushed FDA approval, remains an unknown quantity regarding long-term side effects and other issues. 

The jabs also don’t seem to protect recipients against getting Covid-19, which was kind of the point of getting everyone vaccinated to begin with – or at least that was the story Americans were sold when the shots were first rolled out. 

That issue has been largely glossed over, as President Joe Biden seems to suggest that vaccination for democracy’s sake is the new brass ring to reach for, and the US sinks further into the swamp its leaders have so fervently embraced.

The implementation of the mandate makes it clearer than ever that New York’s (and the US’ in general) vaccination policy has nothing to do with keeping people healthy, and everything to do with controlling individuals’ behavior. Hospitals have refused to acknowledge how many employees they’ve had, or will have, to fire, and while some have dropped hints here or there about canceling elective surgeries and losing money as a result, they have largely remained tight-lipped, not wanting to be the first to admit weakness (or be seen as something other than a 110% pro-vaccination team player). 

Being seen as ‘anti-vax’ can cost people their jobs or reputations, even as the label is applied to an increasingly absurd cross-section of individuals (including Dr. Robert Malone, one of the pioneers of mRNA-as-a-drug, who is now smeared by the likes of disinformation repository Wikipedia as some sort of anti-science Neanderthal.

Thousands of New Yorkers poured out into the streets on Monday to protest the vaccination passport system adopted by Mayor Bill de Blasio and disgraced ex-Governor Andrew Cuomo as an added behavioral carrot/stick hybrid to bridge the gap until Biden’s nationwide mandate takes effect, chanting slogans like “My body, my choice” and “No means no” as they rallied to end the system that has relegated the unvaccinated to eating outdoors and standing outside concert venues and theaters – that is, aside from the thousands who have purchased fake vaccine passes.

Last month, it was discovered that New York’s health passport app could be used to store fraudulent credentials, a vulnerability which, the public was assured, was hastily patched. Such a screw-up is practically a rite of passage for such intrusive, privacy-plundering apps as they become more numerous and more authorities require them. 

The solution is not, as some cybersecurity companies might suggest, to create an app with bigger, better encryption and authentication abilities. Most bars and restaurants are content with merely seeing a photograph of a vaccine card on the user’s phone. The solution instead is to do away with this embarrassing security theater entirely. It does not save lives, instead merely helping to reduce humanity to a panicked mass of reactionary rule-obeyers who get nervous when they are left to their own devices without orders to follow.

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Even those benefiting the most from Covid-19 – the public-private partnerships led by World Economic Forum founder (and cartoonish would-be Bond villain) Klaus Schwab himself – have admitted the virus is not the killer pandemic it is being presented as in so much of the media. Indeed, Schwab called it “one of the least deadly pandemics the world has experienced over the last 2,000 years” in his well-timed book on how the subject could be used to usher in a global security state with everything – including us – in its place.

That hasn’t stopped the WEF types from trying to unleash the mother of all vaccine passports – the Known Traveler Digital Identity, devised years before the pandemic was a glimmer in some lab technician’s eye This passport would not only store vaccine and health data, including biometrics like fingerprints and iris scans, but also work as a bank card, a transit pass, and a behavioral tracker. Trash that hotel room in Phuket? You might not be welcome in Hanoi, even if you insist you’re innocent. If you’ve never heard of the KTDI, that’s OK – it’s been quietly tested since 2019, and that testing has only expanded amid the supposedly travel-nuking pandemic.

The rollout of New York’s statewide vaccine mandate is thus merely the clamping shut of the jaws of the police state that have been yawning ever wider over the past 18 months, luring the terrified masses of humanity in with the promise of safety and protection in the arms of Big Brother. One might think that Americans, at least, would be better equipped with suspicion, given their government’s track record of mass murder abroad, but one always wants to believe ‘it’ could never happen at home. The rest of the country would be wise to look at what’s going on in New York and quarantine this virus of authoritarianism before it engulfs the entire nation.

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