Poor Italy…! Same people running same show

After learning that Enrico Letta is Italy’s new prime minister, I offer my sympathies to Italians. To say the usual suspects are back is to underline the plight of the Italian people as they are made poorer by the politicians who run their country.
In the game of Italian prime ministers: the Trilateral
Commission’s European Chairman Mario Monti is out; and Trilateral
Commission Member Enrico Letta is in. Long live the Trilateral
It seems that there is just nothing any country in the West can do
to free itself from the shackles of the Global Power Masters and
their Megabankers.
No matter what elections are held; no matter what mass
demonstrations bring citizens on to the streets; no matter how many
signs are shown on millions of TV screens accusing the Megabankers
of being the worst crooks, the truth is there for all to see: the
Global Power Masters have taken over governments in country after
country, enslaving all nations to their Megabankers.
The mainstream media broadcast it; the alternative media point out
the sheer inhumanity of it all, even in the European Union where
double-digit unemployment is rampant, banks are fraudulently
‘bailed-in’ by stealing account holders’ money, and millions of
workers’ houses are foreclosed on.
There just does not seem to be anything anybody anywhere can do
about it.
It all basically boils down to the vast majority of working people
in just about every country suffering the most perverse, unfair and
blatant discrimination of all: when small but extremely powerful,
unelected and illegitimate minorities discriminate against the vast
majority of disorganized and as-yet-unawakened citizens.
This is not a ‘conspiracy theory’ or any such rubbish. This is
something that’s right before our eyes. All you need to do is look
in the right places, see who are running this ‘greatest show on
Earth’, and then think with your own commonsense mind instead of
letting CNN or Rupert Murdoch do the ‘thinking’ for you.
After three-time premier Silvio Berlusconi sank Italy to new depths
of decadence where its workers have been sucked into an economic
Eurocratic maelstrom that finally led to his resignation in
November 2011, the Megabankers decided at the time to take over
Italy outright.
That was when they replaced Berlusconi with Mario Monti of
Trilateral Commission glory as Italy’s prime minister, as we then explained on RT.
Now, after Italy’s recent elections we saw its aging President
Giorgio Napolitano again put a Rockefeller/Rothschild Boy in power;
because Enrico Letta too is a Trilateral Commission member. And to
make sure that Megabanker theft is duly supplemented by traditional
Italian political mafias, Letta’s coalition government includes
members of Berlusconi’s party. After all, his uncle Gianni Letta
was/is Berlusconi’s right-hand man. So, yes indeed: Poor

Who are these people?
The Trilateral Commission brings together Rockefeller, Morgan,
Warburg, Rothschild, Lazard, Goldman Sachs and Soros banking
interests under the aegis of global power elite geopolitical
planners like Sir Henry Kissinger, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Dominique
Moïsi, Richard Perle, Philip Zelikow and Paul Wolfowitz, amongst
many others.
Notably, both PMs, the outgoing Mario Monti and incoming Enrico
Letta, serve the Trilateral Agenda shoulder-to-shoulder with the
top-brass from such global megabanks as CitiCorp, HSBC, Barclays,
Nomura, Banco Santander, BBVA Bank, UBS, NM Rothschild, Deutsche
Bank, BNP, Commerzbank, Goldman Sachs, Lazard, Mediobanca,
Morgan Stanley, Warburg Pincus, Bank of Nova Scotia, Bank of New
York Mellon, and Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi and Overworld banking
agencies like the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Federal
Reserve Bank, Bank of England, European Central Bank, Dutch Central
Bank, Bank of Greece, and Bank of Japan. Just a
sampling to show that this is a most powerful high-class money club
if ever there was one.
At 70, Monti is an elderly man; at 46, Letta is a promising young
politician. In Italian politics it seems that the more things
change, the more they stay the same.
The key question that should once again be on every Italian’s mind
is: will Enrico Letta work to improve the plight of the Italian
people or to promote bankers’ interests? Former Argentine President
Juan Perón once said that all nations’ presidents and premiers have
a foremost decision to make: they either govern to promote and
protect the interests of their people over and above those of the
global megabankers, or they merely work for the global megabankers
and against their own people.
It’s a political coin that has had to be tossed by leaders time and
again since the times of Jesus… Those making the right
decision for their people often end up ousted, assassinated and
Looking at the list and track records of Trilateralists who have
been catapulted into the highest echelons of power in government –
Papademos in Greece, Monti in Italy, Cavallo in Argentina, Bill
Clinton and George HW Bush in the US, Horst Kohler in Germany,
Toomas Ilves in Estonia, Condoleezza and Susan Rice (yes, both of
them!) in the US – one can see a pattern.
So, yes: friends, Romans and countrymen everywhere, the Trilateral
Commission certainly does nave enormous clout and leverage to
promote its globalist agenda over and above every country’s
national interest.

Who decides?
Letta’s ascent to become Italy’s new prime minister – a country
with huge economic, financial, social and political problems – once
again raises the question: Who decides?
Is it the Italian people who have freely and democratically chosen
to have an elite megabanker-friendly bureaucrat run their country
or – as in Greece, France, the UK and so many other countries - is
there a hidden hand that discretely catapults its own servants into
the highest places of power?
Do ‘We, the People’ ever really decide anything or are we just
asked to ‘legitimize’ through some high-profile election, decisions
they have already taken? Do our real ‘political choices’ thus boil
down to two, maybe three, elite candidates? A sort of
‘you-can-have-Coke-or-Pepsi’ non-choice?
If this only happened in Italy, we could say that it’s some sort of
‘Italian problem’. But, no: there’s clearly a pattern whereby
global power-brokers first recruit and then very discretely promote
their chosen players to the top echelons of entities like the
Trilateral Commission where they are suitably groomed, positioned,
prepared, coached and politically and financially ‘armed’.
Normally, such individuals have little or no allegiance to their
countries of origin and countrymen, but rather are align to the
supranational globalist agenda.
And they plan well in advance too! An April 27 FoxNews TV
report just aired a pro-Bush Family program showing that The Powers
That Be are already busy toying with the idea that Jeb Bush –
another ‘Baby Bush’ – might just be the right guy to run for
president of the United States on the Republican Party ticket in
2016’s presidential elections.
Not surprisingly, many powerful Democrats are, in turn, already
working to put Hillary Clinton as their candidate for those
That would mean that in 2016 the American people just might have to
choose between Jeb Bush (son of Trilateral member George HW Bush)
and Hillary Clinton (wife of Trilateralist Bill Clinton). I
know, I know: just a coincidence….
Come to think of it, maybe the title of this article should not
just be ‘Poor Italy…’, but rather ‘Poor Italy and Greece
and Argentina and Germany and USA and Estonia and…’.
Benjamin Disraeli - British Queen Victoria’s prime minister in the
19th century - once said that “The world is governed by very
different personages from what is imagined by those who are not
behind the scenes.”
A lucid vision from someone who was in a position to know.
Add to this 21st century trillions of money-sloshing politics and,
once again, we see that on the global political stage, money does
indeed make the world go around.

The statements, views and opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of RT.
The statements, views and opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of RT.