The abuse of surveillance power makes it clear the US should be stripped of its exclusive rights to control and monitor world information, and financial regulation, the former French Prime Minister Dominique de Villepin told RT.
RT:Let’s start with the fallout from the NSA scandal
that effected France, French Ministers have called the
revelations shocking, how surprised were you personally to find
out the US government was snooping on millions of French
Dominique de Villepin: Well, we knew that some practices
existed, but such an overall system – this came as a surprise for
everybody. The importance of spying into private lives seems so
big that it really looks something unacceptable between friends,
between allies. And I think that it is very important now to find
a way to change this system, because there is no argument, no
reason that can be given to explain such a thing. Of course,
fighting against terrorism is very important, and we should try
to fight through cooperation – financial cooperation,
intelligence cooperation, but spying on the private lives of
citizens – this is something we cannot accept.
RT:But does France really have the right to complain
here, when the Le Monde newspaper complained in July that the
French government has a mass spying program of its own, and the
Obama administration said that everyone is up to it?
DV: Well, I believe we should not mix the subject. That
every country might use intelligence in order to counter
terrorism – that’s, of course, something that one can explain.
But to have such an extensive program going into private lives,
going into using Internet, using a program like PRISM which is
the one that the US has been using – this is something which is
of so great importance that it cannot be accepted, in fact, what
we are seeing today is the incredible privileges of the US
administration of the control of the world system.
We knew that the US was controlling the financial system through
the banking dominance of some big banks, through the dollar
currency as the reserve currency, through the control of risk,
for example, through the three most important rating agencies in
the world. But controlling Internet, controlling the information
in our world – this is a privilege, a monopoly that cannot be
accepted. And I think it’s very important, while powers are
changing hands, we are seeing today that the hyper-power of the
US is no longer anymore a reality, we must go from a spirit of
confrontation and spying, like the one we have seen, to
And I think it’s very important that the whole world community
comes together and puts things on the table and through
discussion, through cooperation we find a way to control the
system in a cooperative way in the interests of the whole world.
For example, the Internet should be controlled not only by the US
but the whole world community. The same for culture, we see the
monopoly today of a country, like Hollywood by the US. Such
monopolies are not acceptable in the world, because we know that
if we are going to follow up in the same direction, then
confrontation might be inevitable. We need cooperation, and we
need to look at all the areas where we have such privileges in
order to create a spirit of cooperation.
RT:Francoise Hollande says he will push new EU data
protection legislation, why did we not have similar calls earlier
when other EU countries like Germany for example fell victim to
DV: Well, I think there’s a lot of surprise coming out of
all this. I do remember when the story came out in July, past
July, I was in China and I came up very strongly against this
information, saying that we could not accept such a thing. I
think, France and the French government, the French President
were willing to have more information. Now we are really seeing
the extent of the spying on the world, on spying on private
lives, spying on France and many other countries. And now that we
know the extent, we really can all realize the necessity for
taking a strong cooperative action and changing this overall
system. Of course, we cannot accept – again, there is no reason
that can be put forward to justify such techniques; terrorism
cannot justify such a technique. We see that the system goes far
beyond the objective of fighting against terrorism.
RT:And Barrack Obama has now of course said the US
will review its intelligence gathering practices. Why were
damning exposes and the outrage of a close Washington ally like
France needed for the US to start reconsidering its methods?
DV: Well, I believe that for many people in the US this
was normal; they keep saying that this is legal, that the US has
the right abroad to utilize such techniques, and I think, that’s
part of being exceptional that the US feels. But power doesn’t
only give the possibility of using power. Of course, the US
because of their power, they have a real responsibility in world
governance, but they have to take this responsibility for good,
in the general interests of the world. When we see that they are
using such responsibilities in their own national interests, then
we can see that there is a competition between world interests
and national interests. And that’s why I believe it’s very
important to change the world governance.
We need a Security Council in the UN that can go much further in
implementing world interests. We need an economic security
council that can change the financial and economic order. We see
that giving to just one country the capacity to control and to
monitor world information, world culture, world financial
regulation – this is not in the interest of mankind, of humanity.
And we should correct this.
And it’s very important now that through cooperation, through
dialogue, all the countries of the world get together and try to
find ways to monitor, to control, because we see that these
excesses, these practices are not acceptable for democracies and
for world interests.
The statements, views and opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of RT.