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Washington rushes to pump Kiev with weapons before Trump enters office | Russia-Ukraine conflict
Russia & Former Soviet Union
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Washington rushes to pump Kiev with weapons before Trump enters office | Russia-Ukraine conflict
Cynthia McKinney
Edward Snowden’s data dump: Where’s the beef?
After a big announcement on May 16, 2016, The Intercept made 166 documents available to the public. At this rate, it will take an estimated 600 years to read all of the documents! I would like to ask The Intercept, 'Where’s the beef?'
May 22, 2016 10:10
Shame on Shell: Ecocide by oil extraction in the Niger Delta
Millions of barrels of oil have been spilled in Nigeria’s Delta region. Tired of the abuse, Nigerians just blew up a pipeline and a platform in an attempt to rectify what politicians and courts have been slow to do.
May 14, 2016 08:54
Time to think of legacy? The Obama Doctrine
Given what has happened to the Arab World with US attention, the rest of Asia must shudder at the prospect of what could happen to it with President Obama’s new doctrine: “Pivot to Asia.”
May 1, 2016 16:23
The US lagging behind other countries in its slow walk to GMO labeling
The recent success in beating back an anti-GMO labeling bill in Congress, coupled with the State of Vermont passing a mandatory labeling law, led Campbell’s to announce its support for GMO labeling, the first big food company to do so.
Apr 18, 2016 16:15
Why does the US media lie so much?
Either by omission or by commission, the US media actively misinforms the public on crucial issues that matter. The reason they do this is because they legally can.
Mar 28, 2016 12:35
America, we have a problem: Homelessness is out of control
It’s hard to imagine that the country that controls so much nuclear firepower and drops so many bombs every day is unwilling to educate its children and house its own people.
Mar 25, 2016 13:47
Loose lugs lose elections: Are the wheels falling off Hillary Clinton’s campaign car?
Just when things were going smoothly for former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, the people started voting, and that’s when everyone began to notice that the wheels on her campaign car were wobbling.
Mar 14, 2016 16:52
Game of Thrones: Who will nominate Scalia’s replacement?
United States Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia’s death has sparked an epic political battle between the Court’s so-called liberals and archconservatives, who have lost one of their own.
Mar 6, 2016 17:58
Why does the FBI want to take a look inside your iPhone?
The FBI wants the encryption keys to the iPhone, yet has a poor track record since September 11, 2001 of protecting Constitutional rights
Feb 28, 2016 15:57
What is America doing in the South China Sea?
Washington is playing a dangerous game of 'chicken' with the Chinese and Russians, who are attempting to defend themselves from the Washington Consensus, which reduces subject populations to that of serfs.
Feb 26, 2016 16:10
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