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Javier Milei & global libertarianism

Argentineans elected 53-year-old political outsider Javier Milei as their new president. Milei, an economist and self-described libertarian, pulled in nearly 56% of all votes counted in the runoff against his left-wing rival opponent, Sergio Massa, completing one of the most unlikely presidential victories in modern history. On this episode of 360 View, Scottie Nell Hughes asks her panel (Angela McArdle, Chair, Libertarian National Committee; Arn Menconi, Political Analyst; Esteban Carrillo, Journalist, The Cradle) about how the world is starting to pull away from the left-leaning political views. Are we seeing the rise of libertarian small government across the globe?

24:22 min
24:22 min
Javier Milei & global libertarianism
In the 360 View, Scottie Nell Hughes brings you her well-rounded look at the most pressing social and cultural issues plaguing our globalized world today. From education to politics, trade, and more, Scottie breaks down global trends and helps you, the viewer, see how local issues affect the entire globe. Join us as we expand your perspective on the 360 View.