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Following an IGN report on rampant sexual harassment, abuse, and toxicity at Bungie Studios, known for the Halo franchise, the company’s senior employee relationships manager has resigned after 14 years.

Earlier this month, IGN released an article detailing the toxic work culture at the once renowned gaming studio. The outlet spoke to over 25 current and former employees who concurred that there was a rampant ‘boy’s club culture’ at the company, as well as heavy crunch (compulsory overtime) and almost no accountability for abusers. What’s worse is that it seems that HR protected abusers to seemingly preserve the image of the company. And these issues have reportedly been around for more than a decade. 

“HR has never been there to protect employees. They’ve always been there to protect the company. I’ve watched it happen a few times at Bungie, where someone went to HR and things went completely sideways for them,” said one of the employees interviewed in IGN’s report.  

Now Gayle d'Hondt, the head of HR at Bungie for the past 14 years, has sent out a company-wide letter announcing she is stepping down from the position. In the letter, she reflected on her time there, the decisions she made, and considered how the company could move forward, saying it would require a team, “largely comprised of people new to Bungie.” 

I know that they need to be trusted to be your advocates – not labeled as ‘enablers’ or seen as company resources who provide bad actors with safe harbor,” she wrote. 

She concluded the email by saying that overall, she was proud of the work she had done, and tried to do, but acknowledged there were mistakes along the way. 

 “I believe I made recommendations that were in the best interest of our people and in service of the company we wish to become. I also believe we made some mistakes, and that to become the better version of ourselves – the company I know we can be – we have to acknowledge and confront them, in good faith, and grow together." 

So far it’s unclear if d’Hondt will remain within the gaming studio in another capacity, but in the letter she does state that she will be working with the company’s leadership to determine the next appropriate steps for Bungie.
