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Rudy Giuliani joined the chorus of conservative voices expressing displeasure with Eminem over his taking a knee during his performance at the Super Bowl halftime show last weekend. The rapper should better go to some country other than America for stunts like that, the former mayor of New York City said on Monday during his show on the radio station 77WABC.

“Why doesn’t he go to another country? Go take a knee someplace else. You know how many cops were defending him and protecting him at that game yesterday?” he asked rhetorically.

“I mean, crime is way out of control in Los Angeles. He thinks that all happened because everybody loves Eminem?” he went on. “The simple reality is that the NFL has made a mockery out of law enforcement, particularly with its support for the cop-killing Black Lives Matter.”

Eminem took the knee in a gesture widely associated with protests against racism and police brutality against black people in the US. Former San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick brought the kneeling rite to the forefront of national discourse when he started performing it during the 2016 season.

The National Football League (NFL) was accused of retaliating against Kaepernick by ruining his athletic career, a claim over which the two parties had a legal battle that was settled out of court.

Some believed that Eminem’s stunt came as a surprise to the NFL, but the league denied it. Spokesman Brian McCarthy said representatives “watched all elements of the show during multiple rehearsals … and were aware that Eminem was going to do that.”

After dunking on Eminem, Giuliani lashed out at Snoop Dogg, another performer who entertained football fans during the pause of the showdown between the Los Angeles Rams and the Cincinnati Bengals.

Giuliani mockingly called the rapper “Snoop ‘Kill the Police Doggy’ Dogg,” referencing the lyrics of the song ‘Police’, which the artist released last month. Critics say it encourages violence against officers of the law, and some called on the NFL not to give him a spot at the halftime show because of it.

“Of course, there’s no connection – I don’t think – between this and the fact that 13 police officers were shot in the last 24 hours,” Giuliani said, citing a number that made headlines last week in the US conservative media.

“What kind of country are we becoming?!” he added.
