3 killed, dozens injured after tourist bus & car collide and fall off a cliff in Russia (VIDEOS)

A woman and two children have been killed in a horrific head-on collision between a tourist bus and an SUV on a mountain road near Russia’s Black Sea port city of Novorossiysk.
The tragedy on А-146 highway unfolded around 10:00pm local time, when a Hyundai charter bus, belonging to a sanatorium run by the Federal Tax Service, was hit head-on by Volkswagen Touareg. Both vehicles tumbled into a 30-meter-deep ravine, leaving all three passengers of the car – a woman and two minors – dead, the local interior ministry confirmed.
A massive emergency operation, involving 149 rescuers and 55 pieces of hardware, was organized to save the survivors. Out of 41 people traveling on the bus, at least 28, including at least 11 children, were rushed to the hospital. The rest received medical attention on the spot.
Тяжелое ДТП в районе Новороссийска, перевернулся пассажирский автобус. В нем ехали более 40 человек. Известно о том, что есть погибшие.⠀Все силы экстренных служб и медиков брошены на помощь пострадавшим, на месте работает более 30 бригад скорой.⠀ pic.twitter.com/1aDQZ3FwbB
— Вениамин Кондратьев (@kondratyevvi) August 7, 2019
A criminal investigation into the tragedy is ongoing. So far, medical examination of the bus driver, who survived the crash, revealed he was sober at the time of the accident.
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