Apple demands that Telegram shut down channels DOXXING Belarusian police officers – CEO Durov says it ‘doesn’t offer much choice’

Telegram founder Pavel Durov says his widely popular messaging application will have to block three channels, on iOS devices, which have published the personal data of Belarusian police officers, after a request from Apple.
However, the Russian tech innovator promised to keep them accessible on other platforms.“Apple is requesting that we shut down three channels,” Durov wrote in a Telegram post, describing the accounts as those “used by the people of Belarus to expose the identities of their oppressors.”
The channels have been publishing the personal data of police officers accused of using violence against protesters, but also those of others deemed to be supporting President Alexander Lukashenko. This includes members of the election commission, state media journalists, and even administrators of pro-government social media groups.
Also on While Brussels publicly condemned violent Belarus protest crackdown, EU funds paid for 15 surveillance drones in MinskApple has argued that personal information published on these pages could incite violence. The Silicon Valley giant “does not offer much choice,” Durov admitted, adding that all three channels in question would end up “getting blocked” on all devices using iOS.
Durov did not hide his disdain for those he described as “law enforcers and propagandists,” saying that he “would rather leave the channels be.” He added that they would still be available on platforms beyond Apple’s reach, justifying his decision by saying the situation “is not black and white.”
Other than revealing personal data, several posts on the channels have included what seemed like threats of violence. One featured a photo of graffiti painted on the entrance to an apartment block where a police officer lives. The graffiti names him and threatens him with a “speedy death.” Another demands officers “get out of the country before it’s too late.”
The situation in Belarus has been tense since the controversial presidential elections in early August that handed victory to longtime leader Lukashenko. The opposition refused to recognize the results, arguing that they were rigged.
Also on WATCH as police water cannon turns into FOUNTAIN after reportedly being 'modified' by Belarusian protestersThousands have been taking to the streets every weekend since then, demanding Lukashenko’s resignation and new “free and fair” elections.
The protests were initially met with a heavy-handed police response, resulting in clashes between the demonstrators and law enforcement agents, which left at least three protesters dead and hundreds of people injured – including police officers. Belarusian citizens are demanding that those responsible for the use of excessive force be brought to justice and the authorities have vowed to launch an investigation.
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