A number of Ukrainian drones destroyed en route to Moscow in the early hours of Tuesday, Mayor Sergey Sobyanin wrote on Telegram. UAVs have repeatedly targeted the Russian capital in recent months. Most were either shot down mid-air or crashed after veering off course due to signal-jamming.
According to Sobyanin, the drones were downed in Istrinsky District to the northwest of Moscow, and in Kaluga Region to the southwest of the capital. “No damage was done and no one was hurt in the areas where the debris fell,” the mayor wrote.
Sobyanin initially said the drones caused no damage on the ground, but later wrote that a non-residential building was damaged in Istrinsky District. He added that another UAV, also heading for Moscow, was intercepted in Tver Region, to the northwest of the capital.
As during previous air raid alerts, Moscow’s three main airports – Domodedovo, Sheremetyevo, and Vnukovo – were briefly shut down as precaution.
Ukraine has stepped up drone and missile attacks on Russian territory as its much-touted ground offensive, launched in early June, had failed to yield any significant victories. Several UAVs crashed in Moscow City, the Russian capital’s business and financial hub, without causing any casualties.
The Federal Security Service (FSB) and regional officials said that two commando raids in western Russia's Bryansk Region were thwarted last week. On Friday, a Ukrainian drone crashed in the city of Kurchatov, an industrial hub, home to a nuclear power plant. The attack caused minor damage to a non-residential building, Kursk Region Governor Roman Starovoyt said.