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10 Jun, 2024 16:15

RT’s Starbound: Get a chance to talk to cosmonauts in orbit and witness a rocket launch

RT’s new program will link people from all over the world with the crew of the International Space Station for live interviews
RT’s Starbound: Get a chance to talk to cosmonauts in orbit and witness a rocket launch

RT has partnered with the Russian space agency Roscosmos to produce a series of live interviews with cosmonauts manning the ISS, and ordinary people from all over the world will get to choose what to talk about. The first installment set to be aired in late June will connect people from India with the orbital outpost.

Do you have a question that you believe only a person with hands-on space experience can answer? Send it to RT, and you may get a chance to ask it to the crew of the International Space Station.

Join the Starbound project now and send your questions to RT by e-mail at starbound@rttv.ru. Authors of the best submissions will get prizes that are out of this world. And one lucky winner will travel to Russia’s new Vostochny Cosmodrome and get a front-row seat at a space launch.

The facility, located in the Russian Far East, was created as an alternative to the Soviet-era Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan. It’s one of the most advanced parts of the country’s space infrastructure, designed to serve modern and future spacecraft. Last April, Russia launched its Angara-A5 heavy-lift rocket from Vostochny Cosmodrome for the first time.
