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3 Jul, 2024 15:22

Crane operator dies in his cab in Moscow (VIDEO)

The worker perished on the job at a height of 200 meters, reportedly from a drug overdose
Crane operator dies in his cab in Moscow (VIDEO)

A crane operator perished on the job at a height of some 200 meters above ground in Moscow on Wednesday, according to local media. Reports suggest that a drug overdose might have been the cause of death. 

The incident occurred at the construction site of a luxurious high-rise residential complex named ‘High Life,’ located in the central part of the Russian capital. The 44-year-old was found unresponsive inside the cab.

Construction workers called in emergency services to the site, yet the operator passed away before they managed to reach him, according to reports. The death prompted a daring operation to recover the body. Footage circulating online shows emergency workers packing climbing equipment observed at the site. The recovery operation has apparently been hampered by high winds in the area. 

Initial media reports suggested the man might have suffered a heat stroke amid abnormally hot weather in the city. Later on, however, the Russian online media outlet Baza reported, citing emergency services sources, that a syringe and an unknown substance had been recovered from the scene, implying he may have overdosed on drugs. 

Thus far, no official information on the cause of the incident has been provided. The company in charge of constructing the apartment complex reacted angrily to attempts by local media outlets to inquire about the matter.

“I cannot talk. Why are you calling at all? Yes, I told you – I cannot talk right now. Why are you calling a second or third time? I have nothing to do? Why would I talk to you?” a representative of the construction company told the outlet News.ru.
