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18 Oct, 2024 15:53

Russia-China relations ‘equal’ – Putin

Washington is dragging its NATO partners in Europe towards a conflict with China, according to the Russian President
Russia-China relations ‘equal’ – Putin

Russian President Vladimir Putin has highlighted the “equal” partnership between Moscow and Beijing, emphasizing their close cooperation as a key factor in global stability.

Speaking at a BRICS media meeting on Friday, he added that the two countries “take into account each other’s interests” and always listening to each other.”

Putin criticized Washington for dragging its European allies into a potential conflict with China, likening them to “little dogs on a leash.” He argued that the US is pursuing outdated policies to counter Beijing’s economic rise, which is harming its own economy.

Washington, on the other hand, has been pursuing counterproductive policies in Asia and persuading its European partners to do the same, Putin claimed.

“Nobody even wants to ask the Europeans their opinion. Do they want to spoil their relations with China and get involved – through NATO structures – in Asia and create a situation there that will cause concern among the countries of the region, including China?” 

“I assure you, they do not [want this],” Putin insisted, noting that “nevertheless, they are being dragged there by a lasso, like a big uncle dragging little dogs along with him.”

Putin stressed that it is now “impossible” for the US to halt China’s development, and that Washington is 15 years too late to attempt such a thing. 

“There are objective processes of economic development, they are connected with a million factors,” the Russian leader explained, adding that US sanctions on China have backfired because attempts to “restrain China’s development have a negative impact on the economy of the US itself.”

Speaking at a plenary session of the BRICS Business Forum in Moscow on Friday, Putin stated that the group’s nations have become the main drivers of international economic growth and that their potential will continue to increase.
