Fixing broken diplomatic ties is up to Georgia - Russia

29 Dec, 2008 16:42 / Updated 16 years ago

It's up to Georgia to resume diplomatic ties between Moscow and Tbilisi, Russia's Deputy Foreign Minister has said. Andrey Denisov was commenting on relations between the two countries at a media conference in Moscow.

“The resumption of diplomatic relations between Russia and Georgia depends on Tbilisi. The Georgian side broke off relations and it’s now up to Tbilisi to decide whether they can be restored and when,” he said. Diplomatic relations between the two countries were cut in early September, following the August conflict in the Caucasus. The Georgian leadership has come under strong criticism since the war in South Ossetia. The country's parliamentary opposition is backing proposed amendments to the constitution which, if adopted, could limit presidential power. The Labour Party wants even stronger measures taken now and is calling for the impeachment of President Mikhail Saakashvili. Shalva Natelashvili, the party leader, said: “Today the parliamentary group of the Labour Party starts the official process to impeach President Saakashvili. He has not only violated the constitution, but has also committed a number of serious crimes including using violence against civilians, the initiation of the war that resulted in break up of the country and many others.” The ruling United National Movement Party has 119 out of 150 seats in the Georgian parliament, whilst the Labour Party has only four.