Interview with Vyacheslav Matuzov

26 Jun, 2007 13:16 / Updated 18 years ago

Vyacheslav Matuzov is the Executive Chairman of the Russian Friendship Society with Arab Countries.  In an interview with Russia Today he gave his view on the aims of Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov's visit to the Middle East.

Russia Today: What is the purpose of Mr Lavrov's visit to the Middle East, what is he trying to achieve? Vyacheslav Matuzov: Russia is a member of the international quartet which also includes the UN, the U.S. and the European Union. They are all involved in the peace process as mediators. So Mr Lavrov represents Russia in this capacity.  At meetings with both the Israeli and Palestinian leaderships, he will try to renew the peace process, which stalled two or three years ago because of the intifada and tensions between the Palestinian Authority and Israel. RT: We know Sergei Lavrov is scheduled to meet with Fatah Leader Mahmoud Abbas on Wednesday, but it is not known whether he will meet the leaders of Hamas. In your opinion what role could Russia play in reaching a peaceful settlement in this internal Arab conflict? V.M.: First of all, this meeting can be regarded as a sort of counterbalance to the negotiations with the Israeli leadership. It would be wrong and short-sighted to meet with only one party to the conflict. By meeting both sides – and their key players – Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, Israeli Premier Ehus Olmert, as well the newly elected Israeli President Shimon Peres – he would strengthen Russia’s position.  RT: Do you think he will meet with any of the Hamas leaders? V.M.: I believe this has been ruled out. Establishing contacts with Hamas leaders before Hamas and Fatah have reached any sort of agreement between themselves would be counter-productive. And I hope Mr Lavrov is not going to make the mistake of meeting the leadership of Hamas. Any such consultations at this time would work against the Palestinain issue. RT: And are their certain parties who stand to benefit from the current instability in the Palestinian Autonomy? V.M.: Yes, I think so. In my opinion, there are quite a lot of people from both sides who could take advantage of this. And I believe they would be unhappy to see the renewal of the peace process mediated by the United States, Russia and Europe.