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Putin delivers message to Trump’s envoy | Russia-Ukraine conflict
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Putin delivers message to Trump’s envoy | Russia-Ukraine conflict
Trump confirms call with Putin on Ukraine
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RT Features
10 results
On Contact: Business secrets of drug dealers
On the show, Chris Hedges discusses the business secrets of drug-dealing with investigative journalist Matt Taibbi. No one knows exactly how big the underground or illegal economy is in the United States, but most estimates say it's huge, 11%, maybe...
Nov 21, 2021 06:19
On Contact: America's endless war
On the show this week, Chris Hedges talks to Erik Edstrom, combat veteran and former platoon commander, about America's endless war. Edstrom is a decorated soldier who led combat missions in Afghanistan. His memoir is ‘Un-American: A...
Mar 7, 2021 07:15
We're feeding our hopes, dreams and desires into computer screens for likes – artist and innovator
Time is running out for us to handle the environmental disarray we've created. Artist, innovator and creative thinker, Daan Roosegaarde, is convinced there's a way out – we simply need to design it. Follow @SophieCo_RT ...
Mar 6, 2020 05:58
Turkey traditionally criticized for being too poor, too big and too Muslim - Ankara’s ex-EU minister
Turkey’s patience is being put to the test with EU membership talks stalled and NATO’s pressure to drop its arms deal with Russia. Will Ankara stick to its guns? I ask Egemen Bagis, Turkey’s former minister for EU affairs. Follow...
May 27, 2019 06:52
Islam is a feminist religion - Denmark’s first female imam
Islam in Europe has long been viewed with suspicion by the majority, accused of not representing European values. Is that really true and can it be changed? We asked Sherin Khankan, Denmark’s first female imam. Follow @SophieCo_RT Sophie...
Aug 24, 2018 06:18
I could be one of the best villains of the cyber world – cybercrime fighter
Technology is turning the criminals of today into computer geeks, with cybercrime becoming easier to commit. How dangerous can digital crime get? We ask Ilya Sachkov, cybercrime fighter and head of the cybersecurity firm Group-IB. Follow...
Jul 6, 2018 08:55
Drug cartels are like sophisticated international corporations – ex-undercover DEA agent
Two decades of undercover work among the world’s most wanted drug lords and criminals, posing as a drug dealer, infiltrating gangs, hiding in the jungles, and risking his life every minute, Mike Vigil is one of the most experienced American...
Jul 21, 2017 07:31
A true scientific discovery is always funny at first – Ig Nobel prize founder
Among the winners of the Ig Nobel prize is the person who invented karaoke, scientists that say love is OCD, and a man who dressed rats in tiny pants to study their behavior. The Ig Nobel prize celebrates the bizarre, the weird – and most...
Dec 26, 2016 07:33
RT News - June 03, 2015 (12:00 MSK)
Intense pressure and an ever growing corruption scandal finally claim the scalp of Sepp Blatter, who blows the full time whistle on his tenure of FIFA .. just days after he won a record fifth re-election; Outrage erupts over a controversial play...
Jun 3, 2015 09:54
Putin' it straight
Much has been said of Vladimir Putin, but with opinions so polarized, it can be difficult to discern fact from fiction. What is it about him that inspires both the superhuman and super-villain characterizations of him? And to what extent do...
Apr 6, 2014 07:34
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