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Putin delivers message to Trump’s envoy | Russia-Ukraine conflict
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Putin delivers message to Trump’s envoy | Russia-Ukraine conflict
Trump confirms call with Putin on Ukraine
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RT Features
100 results
Donbass: Will you be my Mum?
”Mom, will they kill you?” This is the most common question among adopted children from Donetsk and Lugansk. Kolya, Tolya, and Vova are three brothers who lived in Krasny Luch, in the Lugansk People's Republic. Their father was killed,...
Dec 11, 2024 08:33
The cost of alcoholism
Discover the impact of raising that champagne flute for a toast or enjoying a beer while watching sports on the latest episode of The Cost of Everything. Join host Christy Ai with Dr. Charles Smith as they delve into the fine line between the...
Feb 15, 2024 03:00
Binge drinking and the dangers of alcoholism
Binge drinking is a rising trend with dangerous consequences. As people are being released from pandemic lockdowns, there is a draw to go out and catch up on the times that were missed out on. On this episode of The 360 View, Scottie Nell Hughes...
May 30, 2023 06:07
The cost of alcohol
On this episode of The Cost of Everything, we break down the lucrative hard beverages industry and the hidden costs associated with liquor and alcohol production. Host Christy Ai speaks with senior analyst at the Institute of Alcohol Studies Aveek...
Apr 6, 2023 06:17
China and Russia unveil new gas deal
As tensions continue to rise between the US and Russia, the latter is making efforts to strengthen its ties with China. We’ll discuss the new gas deal unveiled in Beijing. And from gas to oil, Brent Crude prices are seeing a rally that is...
Feb 5, 2022 06:19
Swann: 'There is an active purge in the US military'
“Kenosha shooter” Kyle Rittenhouse is enjoying a long-overdue vindication in the eyes of his conservative defender. He’s not been clear about whether he will sue the voices in media who demeaned and denigrated him in the aftermath...
Dec 22, 2021 00:33
Is climate crisis becoming an excuse for mass surveillance?
The trial of Kyle Rittenhouse is underway. The tearful, intensely dramatic trial is being televised live and has captivated viewers and brings Americans’ perennial debate over gun control to the fore. RT America’s Faran Fronczak takes a...
Nov 11, 2021 01:47
ATF keeps 'unofficial' database on 54 million gun owners (Full show)
The Federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) has been quietly collecting records for 54 million gun owners. This is raising concern among gun owners over perennial fears over a federal database, a necessary precondition for confiscation...
Nov 11, 2021 01:14
Uh oh! China cuts off Australia — 'you are now our adversary!' (Full show)
President Biden has announced a new tripartite deal with Australia and the UK, with Australia receiving nuclear-powered submarines from the UK, with the US working to mediate. Beijing has condemned the action and denounced Australia as henceforth an...
Sep 17, 2021 01:21
Pentagon rankled by congressmens' stunt, arriving in Kabul uninvited (Full show)
Representatives Moulton (Massachusetts-D) and Peter Meijer (Michigan-R) essentially snuck into Afghanistan on a chartered flight, surprising and embarrassing the Pentagon. The stunt also delayed the evacuation of two refugees and diverted time from...
Aug 26, 2021 00:50
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