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Members of UK’s richest family convicted of exploiting Indian staff
Prosecutors accused the Hindujas of spending “more on their dog than on their domestic employees”
Jun 22, 2024 02:53
Unprecedented triumphs, tears of joy and grief: How 2023 saw the birth of a new superpower
From being the first nation to land on the Moon’s south pole to hosting a breakthrough G20 summit, New Delhi has scored many points this year – but has also had setbacks
Dec 30, 2023 13:51
Gravity is racist? Sheffield Uni. wants disclaimers on Isaac Newton’s theories, says he benefited from ‘colonial activity’ – media
Isaac Newton may have laid the foundations of modern physics, but professors at Sheffield University reportedly think he benefited from “colonial-era activity,” and the engineering curriculum should be “decolonized” as a result.
Apr 26, 2021 14:01
‘Makes it sound like a coffee spill’: NAACP blasted as ‘tone deaf’ after labeling 9/11 attacks as ‘horrific INCIDENT’
The NAACP has been accused of downplaying the gravity of the 9/11 attacks, with critics up in arms after the organization deemed them a “horrific incident” with no mention of terrorism in a tweet to mark their 19th anniversary.
Sep 12, 2020 05:33
Drama around famous actor Efremov is latest example of divide between ordinary Russians & Moscow's wealthy liberal elites
A news story about a horrific car crash has gripped Russia and prompted fresh debate about its notorious inequality. Celebrity Mikhail Efremov's drunken behavior left an innocent man dead and re-opened long-standing wounds.
Jun 11, 2020 11:05
The EU’s eye-wateringly expensive Covid-19 rescue plan is likely to only widen the trench between North and South
Brussels has put forward a €750 billion scheme aimed at averting an internal split that could endanger the euro and imperil the whole European project. But it’s fraught with danger and far from certain to work. The EU Commission has...
Jun 2, 2020 11:41
Home Office apologizes for attempt to deport Shrewsbury man to Uganda (VIDEO)
In yet another administrative mishap, the Home Office has again had to apologize after threatening to deport a man who has never left the UK to Uganda. Kyle Herbert told RT he thought it was a joke.
May 3, 2018 15:00
Russian firm seals energy exploration deal to drill South African shelf
Russia’s geological research company Rosgeo and South African national oil company PetroSA have signed an offshore drilling agreement on the sidelines of the of the BRICS Summit in Xiamen, China.
Sep 4, 2017 14:39
ISIS-linked militia ‘decapitating, enslaving’ - Philippines army sweeps Marawi City (PHOTOS, VIDEOS)
The Philippines military has uncovered five decapitated bodies of civilians among a total of 17 dead bodies found in Marawi City. The macabre find comes amid reports of widespread looting and sex slavery by Islamic State-affiliated Maute fighters.
Jun 28, 2017 11:36
Chilcot boycott: Grieving service families threaten to reject Iraq report ‘whitewash’
Families of soldiers killed in Iraq are threatening to boycott the Chilcot Report, branding it a ‘whitewash.’ The news comes amid fears that soldiers could be investigated while war leaders escape scrutiny.
Jul 4, 2016 11:01
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