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Russia and US agree list of energy facilities for truce with Ukraine – Kremlin | Russia-Ukraine conflict
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Russia and US agree list of energy facilities for truce with Ukraine – Kremlin | Russia-Ukraine conflict
Another Russian journalist killed in Ukrainian strike
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17 results
Modi’s peace plan: How India is navigating the Ukraine conflict
By travelling to both Moscow and Kiev, Prime Minister Narendra Modi created more diplomatic space for New Delhi, allowing it to manage Western pressure
Sep 10, 2024 09:33
Bolsonaro accused of using military as environmental ‘smokescreen’ after redeploying troops to protect Amazon from deforestation
Brazil's President Jair Bolsonaro has ordered his country’s military to return to the Amazon in a bid to combat a surge in illegal deforestation, but his critics have claimed the directive is too little too late.
Jun 29, 2021 11:39
The future of the Amazon rain forest – Sonia Bone Guajajara
Host Chris Hedges talks to Sonia Bone Guajajara, leader of 300 indigenous ethnic groups in Brazil, about the future of the Amazon rain forest, its people, climate change, and the competing goals of agrobusiness, multinational corporations, and the...
Sep 22, 2019 07:15
US Navy identifies 3 sailors killed in plane crash in Philippine Sea
The US Navy has identified the three sailors from USS ‘Ronald Reagan’ who were killed Wednesday in a C-2A Greyhound crash. The incident occured about 500 nautical miles southwest of Okinawa. The victims were identified as Lt. Steven...
Nov 26, 2017 08:59
Drug truck: Police seize 6 tons of marijuana worth $1mn in fuel tanker in Brazil (VIDEO)
Brazilian police have seized six tons of marijuana tightly packed in a fuel truck in the south of the country, a video uploaded on social media shows. The ‘drug truck’ is worth over $1 million, according to reports in local media.
Nov 13, 2017 07:20
No correlation between popular Monsanto pesticide and cancer ‒ study
A pesticide used by agribusiness giant Monsanto does not cause cancer, a new study states. The findings are likely to impact a legal battle that placed glyphosate, a key ingredient in the company’s popular weed killer, on a list of cancer-causing chemicals.
Nov 9, 2017 20:56
Monsanto sued by Brazilian soybean farmers over GMO seed
Growers in Brazil’s largest soybean producing state Mato Grosso have asked a court to cancel Monsanto’s Intacta GMO seed patent. They claim irregularities, including the company’s alleged failure to prove it brings de facto technological innovation.
Nov 9, 2017 14:54
Arrested cocaine cartel boss used plastic surgery to evade capture for 30yrs (PHOTO)
A drug cartel boss who used plastic surgery to evade police for 30 years has been arrested in Brazil.
Jul 2, 2017 17:38
US Air Force could make pilots stay in service against their will amid drastic shortage – official
The US Air Force could soon be forcing pilots to stay in the service against their will, according to the chief of the military unit's Air Mobility Command. It comes amid an exodus of pilots leaving the Air Force for jobs at commercial airlines.
Apr 11, 2017 12:25
Airline to pay $1.3mn to Amazonian tribe over ‘spiritual damage’ from 2006 plane crash
Brazilian airline Gol has agreed to pay R$4m ($1.3m) to the Kayapo indigenous tribe as compensation for material and spiritual damage caused by a 2006 plane crash which left a huge tract of their land “cursed”.
Mar 28, 2017 21:20
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