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Putin delivers message to Trump’s envoy | Russia-Ukraine conflict
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Putin delivers message to Trump’s envoy | Russia-Ukraine conflict
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RT Features
40 results
McDonald’s burgers blamed for deadly E. coli outbreak
A spate of Quarter Pounder poisonings has left one person dead and ten hospitalized
Oct 23, 2024 18:36
Woman on cocaine kills drunk driver on meth in Vegas crash – media
A woman allegedly driving under the influence hit another vehicle, killing the also-intoxicated driver
Sep 7, 2022 21:11
Deadly tornadoes ravage nursing home, Amazon warehouse (VIDEOS)
At least five people were killed and several more injured in a series of tornadoes that tore through multiple US states, demolishing an elderly care facility as well as an Amazon warehouse, with workers trapped inside.
Dec 11, 2021 05:06
Biden slapped with ANOTHER vaccine mandate lawsuit
The Joe Biden administration is facing another lawsuit from a series of states over a new Covid-19 vaccine mandate – this time challenging the president’s demand that 17 million healthcare staffers be inoculated.
Nov 11, 2021 00:48
Nebraska active shooter situation resolved after hours of shelter in place alert, 1 person hospitalized
Authorities in Nebraska's Adams County have lifted an active shooter warning hours after an overnight gun incident. One person was taken to hospital with a non-life-threatening gunshot injury.
Aug 11, 2021 06:41
Skeptics slam ‘politically-motivated’ study that claims Sturgis motorcycle rally was biggest Covid-19 'superspreader' event in US
German researchers claim to have tied a whopping 266,796 Covid-19 cases to a biker rally in Sturgis, South Dakota. That would make it the largest superspreader event in the US – but many are finding holes in their conclusions.
Sep 8, 2020 22:22
'I taste like buffalo': Man cooks amputated leg into taco feast for friends
An anonymous Reddit user claims to have cooked up part of his amputated leg and served it to a group of friends in a taco feast. The shocking revelation has been backed up with a series of stomach churning photos.
Jun 14, 2018 11:13
‘Canterbury Cannibal’ who plotted to kill & eat 14yo girl relocated to Nebraska jail
A US man convicted of plotting to kill and eat a 14-year-old girl in England turned up in a quiet community in Nebraska making locals feel uneasy. Authorities have said that the man is still jailed and closely watched.
Jan 16, 2018 13:27
Death by lettuce: E. coli outbreak blamed on romaine
Two people have died and 58 have become ill in the US and Canada over the past seven weeks from E. coli bacteria likely found in romaine lettuce. Food safety experts are urging consumers to choose a substitute vegetable.
Jan 5, 2018 23:22
Master bakers: Omaha high-school pranksters trick teacher into swallowing semen frosting
In a National Lampoon’s style prank, Omaha high school students put semen in frosting that was later tasted by their teacher. The punishment for the jokers is in legal limbo.
Dec 14, 2016 23:55
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