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Putin delivers message to Trump’s envoy | Russia-Ukraine conflict
Russia & Former Soviet Union
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Putin delivers message to Trump’s envoy | Russia-Ukraine conflict
Putin met with Trump envoy – Kremlin
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RT Features
16 results
Is Biden admin's Beijing Olympics boycott already falling flat?
US athletes still intend to compete at the 2021 Winter Olympics in Beijing despite an official “boycott” by the Biden administration. The gesture intends to call attention to China’s alleged human rights abuses by maintaining the...
Dec 12, 2021 13:00
Covid-19 pandemic was 100% preventable – immunologist
As the Covid-19 pandemic cripples economies and healthcare systems worldwide, scientists are scrambling in a race of prestige for a vaccine against the novel virus. We talked about this with Dr. Vincent Racaniello, the Higgins Professor of...
Apr 10, 2020 06:18
Trump is like a lone ranger shooting at any target he sees – ex-presidential hopeful
The US has been shattered by the longest government shutdown in history. How grave can the consequences be? We talked to Laurence Kotlikoff, professor of economics at Boston University and write-in candidate in the 2016 presidential election....
Jan 18, 2019 07:09
Today’s US ‘terrorist’ can be US ally tomorrow – former Pakistani intel chief
The Taliban is gaining ground in Afghanistan, despite American efforts to stop the radical group. President Trump is asking India to get involved, while US-Pakistani relations grow colder by the day. The prospects of the government in Kabul are...
Oct 27, 2017 08:25
We must choose between Assad and Islamists in Syria – Marion Le Pen
Non-establishment politicians are on the march – with Donald Trump winning the election in America, many are predicting similar shocks across the Atlantic. In France, the presidential vote is just months away and the country’s right-wing...
Dec 2, 2016 09:09
US economy is like Botox, looks fine only on the outside - Marc “Dr. Doom” Faber
Reverberations from the economic meltdown of 2007-2008 can still be felt across the globe, even though politicians claim the economy is getting better. Unemployment, cuts in the manufacturing sector, extreme economic inequality - all these symptoms...
Aug 26, 2016 06:39
Illegal arms plaguing Europe, easy for wannabe terrorists to buy gun – Italian Carabinieri veteran
Europe, along with the rest of the world, is suffering from a growing threat from terrorism. Citizens are forced to sacrifice their own liberties as governments invest millions in reinforcing security. But the peril of Jihadism is being exploited by...
Jul 18, 2016 07:11
Lone wolf attacks will soon morph into guerrilla war inside Europe - ex-Pentagon adviser
The war in Syria and Iraq has turned into a stalemate. Everyone fights for themselves, and neither US airstrikes, nor Assad's army efforts are able to deal with Islamic State. However, the jihadist group itself has lost its former power and cannot...
Dec 21, 2015 07:29
Fed turns hawkish, Chinese hunting US targets
Ameera David leads with a story concerning at least three Chinese firms vying to acquire the Connecticut-based Starwood Hotels. Ameera is joined by RT correspondent Anya Parampil to discuss the Senate passing CISA. Edward Harrison talks to Lars...
Oct 29, 2015 08:01
World govts secretly trade with Islamic State - terror financing expert
The struggle against Islamic State has been going on for months – and yet, the end of the conflict is by no means near. Armored vehicles, weapons, explosives – the jihadi group is well supplied, and wages war not only in the physical world, but...
Jun 29, 2015 07:19
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