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Putin delivers message to Trump’s envoy | Russia-Ukraine conflict
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Putin delivers message to Trump’s envoy | Russia-Ukraine conflict
Putin met with Trump envoy – Kremlin
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RT Features
32 results
Myanmar junta softens sentence of deposed leader
78-year-old Aung San Suu Kyi will still spend nearly three decades behind bars
Aug 1, 2023 20:25
‘Complete rupture’ in US-Russia relations – Biden
The US president commented on ties with Moscow after refusing to sanction Putin over the military operation in Ukraine
Feb 24, 2022 22:02
UK says it will take all possible steps to extradite Skripal suspects, as Moscow claims London shifting blame for 'Novichok' case
Britain will use all diplomatic tools at its disposal to extradite three Russian men it claims are responsible for the poisoning of Sergey and Yulia Skripal, should they ever travel outside their home country, London has said.
Sep 21, 2021 15:15
Unclear if detained leader Aung San Suu Kyi is aware of situation in Myanmar, lawyer says as protests rage on
Myanmar’s ousted leader Aung San Suu Kyi, who remains detained since the recent coup began, could be unaware of the ongoing turmoil in the country that might be facing an “imminent bloodbath,” according to the UN.
Apr 1, 2021 13:19
Myanmar sees largest protest in over a decade as supporters of ousted civilian leadership demand generals reverse coup
Thousands of people in Myanmar participated in protest marches over the weekend, decrying the military coup. As tensions escalated, shots were reportedly fired in the air as police confronted one of the rallies.
Feb 7, 2021 09:47
White House superspreader event? Sens. Thom Tillis & Mike Lee, ex-Trump aide Kellyanne Conway latest to test positive for Covid-19
Two Republican senators and a former senior aide to President Donald Trump have each contracted the coronavirus following a recent visit to the White House over the weekend, where all came in contact with Trump’s "inner circle."
Oct 3, 2020 02:56
Trump & Melania ‘will begin quarantine process’ pending test results after close aide Hope Hicks contracts Covid-19
A top aide to US President Donald Trump, Hope Hicks, has tested positive for the coronavirus after traveling on Air Force One this week, the president said, noting that he and the first lady are waiting for their test results.
Oct 2, 2020 01:09
‘Redress for systemic racism’? California State University faculty demand free tuition for non-white students... & segregation
Lamenting declining minority enrollment, California State University’s faculty union has called for tuition-free education for nonwhite students, nixing a ban on affirmative action, and… segregating students and faculty by color?
Jul 8, 2020 02:33
Missouri couple caged 4 children in tiny cells & had prison uniforms tailored for them
A couple in Missouri has been arrested and charged with child endangerment and kidnapping, for confining four children in inhumane conditions inside specially built, windowless cells that were boarded-up with plywood.
Aug 9, 2018 03:02
‘Overcrowded, understaffed, poorly run’: Report slams Delaware riot prison
A report on the causes of a nearly 15-hour fatal inmate riot at a maximum security prison in Delaware found the facility was “dangerously overcrowded, critically understaffed, and poorly run and managed.”
Jun 2, 2017 18:25
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