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Putin delivers message to Trump’s envoy | Russia-Ukraine conflict
Russia & Former Soviet Union
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Putin delivers message to Trump’s envoy | Russia-Ukraine conflict
Putin met with Trump envoy – Kremlin
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RT Features
34 results
By changing the color and shape of food it's possible to change its flavor – experimentalist chef
Crispy lettuce, an airy soufflé and blood-red oranges – it turns out that enjoying the food we eat is not only a matter of taste. How does flavor find its way from the tongue to the brain? And how can it be manipulated? We talked to...
Sep 17, 2021 04:37
John Romero: Video games are the ultimate art
As the virtual world increasingly becomes as vivid as the real one, the video games industry is poised to transform entertainment, education and social relations. We talk about this with legendary game designer and programmer, John Romero....
Sep 10, 2021 08:04
We should be able to choose when to die – cryonics advocate
If you were offered the chance to be revived after dying someday in the far-off future, would you go for it? Well, it may sound like the far-fetched realms of sci-fi but it is the reality of cryonics. We talk to Max Moore, philosopher, futurist and...
Feb 19, 2021 06:57
On Contact: Biden admin redux, deep state, empire & censorship
On this show this week, Chris Hedges talks to Pulitzer prize-winning journalist Glenn Greenwald about the incoming Biden administration and what it will mean for a country in crisis, ravaged by a pandemic it cannot control, hostage to corporate...
Jan 17, 2021 06:05
We've lost control of our phones - fmr Facebook exec
Social media, once created to bring millions of people together, now - to control what we think and how we live, without us even knowing it. We talked to Tim Kendall, former Facebook director of monetisation, ex-president of Pinterest and the CEO of...
Oct 9, 2020 07:14
McMindfulness with Ron Purser
Chris Hedges talks to Ron Purser, professor of management at San Francisco State University, about the growth of mindfulness meditation in the mainstream. As meditation makes its way into schools, prisons and government agencies, Purser argues the...
Jan 12, 2020 07:03
Richard Stallman: Facebook is surveillance monster feeding on our personal data
Our world today may be a high-tech wonderland, but we, the users, own nothing in it, with our personal data being the new oil for Big Tech. How do we break its grip on our digital lives? We asked Richard Stallman, the founder and leader of the Free...
Aug 5, 2019 06:02
Idlib deal is glimmer of hope, but peace in Syria is still too far away – UN Syria adviser
The ceasefire in Syria’s last rebel stronghold is taking root – does that mean that the end of civilian suffering in Syria is finally in sight? We ask Jan Egeland, secretary general of the Norwegian Refugee Council and special adviser to...
Oct 12, 2018 06:52
Human govts will be replaced by robot govts – AI engineer Ben Goertzel
Artificial intelligence is no longer a product of science fiction, it already exists – and it’s developing fast. Some of the world’s greatest minds, like Stephen Hawking, Elon Musk, and Bill Gates are warning about the dangers that...
Dec 29, 2017 07:02
Geert Wilders: Trump & Putin put interests of their nations first, European leaders to do the same
The rise of the political right is being felt across Europe and the Netherlands is no exception, where controversial politician Geert Wilders, a veteran of the game, took second place with his party in this year’s elections. Will his radical...
Dec 15, 2017 08:11
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