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Moscow says deadly attack on Russian journalists was deliberate | Russia-Ukraine conflict
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Moscow says deadly attack on Russian journalists was deliberate | Russia-Ukraine conflict
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9 results
On Contact: Islamophobia, race & global politics
On the show, Chris Hedges discusses the nature of Islamophobia with the author and professor, Nazia Kazi. Islamophobia is not defined solely as anti-Muslim sentiment. It is not limited to hate speech and hate crimes, racial stereotypes, or...
Jan 7, 2022 07:08
Dangerous for US experts to appear sympathetic to Russia – ex-US Defense Department analyst
Both Russia and the US are calling for relations to be rescued, but hostile rhetoric is still growing louder on both sides. Can Moscow and Washington let bygones be bygones? We discussed this with Robert English, former policy analyst at the US...
Jun 18, 2018 08:23
UK state-owned bank’s denial of services to RT is attack on free speech – Alex Salmond
Relations between the United Kingdom and Russia, which are engulfed in media scandals, sanctions threats, and fears about a new world war, have hit a new low recently, but is there room left for cooperation on the most important international...
Oct 24, 2016 07:21
UK gov’t has no clue what to do after Brexit – Sinn Fein chairman
When the Britain voted to leave the European Union, not all supported the decision. The majority in Northern Ireland doesn’t want to part ways with the EU, but the ‘Leave’ decision is going to be imposed on the whole of the UK....
Oct 10, 2016 06:32
Ex-PM of France: No place for Turkey in EU, refugee deal doesn’t change anything
Overwhelmed by the wave of refugees coming its way, the European Union is hoping to solve the crisis by striking a deal with Turkey. Ankara is promising to halt the flow of people fleeing from the war-torn Middle East towards Europe, but is hoping...
Apr 1, 2016 07:30
EU leaders turned a blind eye to immigrants’ problems for too long - Molenbeek mayor
A Brussels district just miles from EU’s governing institutions in Brussels has turned into a breeding ground for terrorism. The Molenbeek district has been in the spotlight after it emerged that the Paris attackers were its residents. Why is...
Mar 7, 2016 07:18
Merk on Asia, US markets and gold, Beckworth on Fed
Shares in China fell for a third straight day as a second round of major sell-offs continue to engulf Chinese equity markets. The Shanghai Composite index closed down 1.7 percent after recovering from a 4 percent loss in early trading. As for the...
Jul 29, 2015 07:12
'UK will strongly resist anything that looks like govt control over media' - Lord Charles Powell
The UK press is under attack from two sides. A probe is being held into alleged phone hacking and the publishing of Edward Snowden's explosive revelations have led to barely-disguised threats. Is the so-called Fourth Estate losing its power in...
Nov 15, 2013 10:44
'If Obama doesn't strike Syria, nobody will believe his Iran warnings' - Former UN Chief Weapons Inspector
US military strikes are being held back and may not take place at all, in no small part thanks to Russia. But, is it a progress in a war that has already cost so many lives? Or are we back to square 1? About this and more we ask...
Sep 13, 2013 10:41
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